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Weekly Guide:Week 41

November 04, 2018

Week 41 Day 1: Source of Gospel


We completed last week the reading of the Second Corinthians. This week we will complete the book of Galatians and starting on the Ephesians.

Last week at closing of the Second Corinthians, Paul defended his status as an apostle where he boasted in his own weakness to demonstrate Jesus’ grace. This will be elaborated further in the book of Galatians.

We often fall victim to desire to barter blessings with our actions calling upon our own ability to renew and persevere. Some even use suffering as a way to spiritual growth instead of accepting it as a consequence of the falling world. Paul’s experiences demonstrated the truth about gospel. It is not by one’s own perseverance to overcome adversity, not by one’s capacity to withstand fleshly wounds, nor by one’s ability to endure suffering. It is by the power of God’s grace He gives to His people. The thorn in Paul’s body is not a calling to suffer, but a promise God gives to all Christians so that when we are weak, His power may be seen through our weakness. Gospel is good news because His grace is sufficient. God reveals Himself through His word. We can only boast for the word became flesh. Our inadequacy is an opportunity for God’s power and grace to be shown.

May God’s word renew you all each day!


What is the real gospel?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 2: Righteousness through Faith


When did the promise of being righteous through faith come about?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 3: Cherish the Freedom


How do we gain freedom through God’s promise?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 4: Devoid of Indulgence


How should we view the freedom God gave us?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 5: Heavenly Spiritual Inheritance


What is the spiritual inheritance of a Christian?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 6: Unity in God


What is the life of Christ’s ambassador?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

Scripture Reading


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 1: Foundation of Church

### Question Are leaders of church custodians or servants? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Paul reminded the Corinthians to not judge but wait for the second coming of Christ. + Paul warned those who puff up themselves and belittle of others. + Paul taught and disciplined the church as a father to his children to unite and look up to Christ. ### Meditation: My Story + **Community** - Have I ever judged others? Ask the Lord to help me not to judge and wait for Jesus' second coming. + **Integrity** - Am I able to withstand the test of fire for what I build atop the foundation?


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 2: Reject Sexual Immorality

### Question What to do with brothers and sisters who are doing obvious wrongs? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Paul warned the church about sexual immorality for the wrongdoers would not inherit the kingdom of God. + Our past sins have been cleansed in the name of Jesus Christ. By His power, God raised the Lord from the dead, and He will raise us also. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Do I realize that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? Can I remind myself often that I need to live out a holy life? + **Community** - What to do about disputes between Christians? + **Integrity** - How should I be associated with the unbelieved? What should I watch out for?


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 3: Matters of Marriage

### Question What's God's purpose for marriage? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + God established marriage to keep us faithful to our spouses. + We may faithfully serve God whether married or not. + Circumcise or not is nothing. Keeping God's command is what counts. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - What is God's calling for me in marriage? How do I follow God's will to have a holy married life? + **Fidelity** - For whether I'm married or not, how do I use my situation to serve the Lord?


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 4: The True Freedom

### Question What is freedom in Christ? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + For those with knowledge shall be careful not be stumbling blocks of those with weak conscience. + The sacrificial food to idols is nothing to God. We don't' gain nor lose anything by eating or not. + If eating sacrificial food to idols causes others to stumble, then don't eat it. + Paul put up his rights so he can preach and not hinder the gospel of Christ. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Paul has all the legal rights but would rather put up with them for the gospel. Does my life in Christ obey the higher authority to live out a life with sacrificial love? + **Community** - Do I often mind about my conduct so I don't stumble those who are weak in faith?


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 5: Ward off Idolatry

### Question How to win over temptations? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Israelites failure in front of temptation shall serve as a warning to us. + God is faithful that He always provides a way out of temptation. + Not to seek our own good but for the good of many others. + Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Do I have any idol in my life? Do I put it higher than God? How can I get rid of the idol? + **Community** - How should I build up my fellow Christians through my freedom in Christ?


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 6: Covering and Supper

### Question Why did Paul raise the question of covering and supper? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + It was a tradition of the time to wear head covering. Paul suggested women of the period should cover their heads. + Remember the Lord and examine oneself during the Lord's Supper before eating the bread and drinking the cup. + When eating together, we ought to wait for each other. ### Meditation: My Story + **Community** - Do I dress appropriately in church? Would the way I dress cause others to stumble? + **Integrity** - Am I willing to follow Lord's authority and priority?


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

{% include BibleLinks2020.html %}


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 1: Foundation of Church

### Question Are leaders of church custodians or servants? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Paul reminded the Corinthians to not judge but wait for the second coming of Christ. + Paul warned those who puff up themselves and belittle of others. + Paul taught and disciplined the church as a father to his children to unite and look up to Christ. ### Meditation: My Story + **Community** - Have I ever judged others? Ask the Lord to help me not to judge and wait for Jesus' second coming. + **Integrity** - Am I able to withstand the test of fire for what I build atop the foundation?


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 2: Reject Sexual Immorality

### Question What to do with brothers and sisters who are doing obvious wrongs? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Paul warned the church about sexual immorality for the wrongdoers would not inherit the kingdom of God. + Our past sins have been cleansed in the name of Jesus Christ. By His power, God raised the Lord from the dead, and He will raise us also. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Do I realize that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? Can I remind myself often that I need to live out a holy life? + **Community** - What to do about disputes between Christians? + **Integrity** - How should I be associated with the unbelieved? What should I watch out for?


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 3: Matters of Marriage

### Question What's God's purpose for marriage? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + God established marriage to keep us faithful to our spouses. + We may faithfully serve God whether married or not. + Circumcise or not is nothing. Keeping God's command is what counts. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - What is God's calling for me in marriage? How do I follow God's will to have a holy married life? + **Fidelity** - For whether I'm married or not, how do I use my situation to serve the Lord?


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 4: The True Freedom

### Question What is freedom in Christ? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + For those with knowledge shall be careful not be stumbling blocks of those with weak conscience. + The sacrificial food to idols is nothing to God. We don't' gain nor lose anything by eating or not. + If eating sacrificial food to idols causes others to stumble, then don't eat it. + Paul put up his rights so he can preach and not hinder the gospel of Christ. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Paul has all the legal rights but would rather put up with them for the gospel. Does my life in Christ obey the higher authority to live out a life with sacrificial love? + **Community** - Do I often mind about my conduct so I don't stumble those who are weak in faith?


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 5: Ward off Idolatry

### Question How to win over temptations? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Israelites failure in front of temptation shall serve as a warning to us. + God is faithful that He always provides a way out of temptation. + Not to seek our own good but for the good of many others. + Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Do I have any idol in my life? Do I put it higher than God? How can I get rid of the idol? + **Community** - How should I build up my fellow Christians through my freedom in Christ?


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 6: Covering and Supper

### Question Why did Paul raise the question of covering and supper? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + It was a tradition of the time to wear head covering. Paul suggested women of the period should cover their heads. + Remember the Lord and examine oneself during the Lord's Supper before eating the bread and drinking the cup. + When eating together, we ought to wait for each other. ### Meditation: My Story + **Community** - Do I dress appropriately in church? Would the way I dress cause others to stumble? + **Integrity** - Am I willing to follow Lord's authority and priority?


Notes and Responses

Week 41 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

{% include BibleLinks2022.html %}


Notes and Responses