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Week 41 Day 1: Source of Gospel

October 29, 2018


We completed last week the reading of the Second Corinthians. This week we will complete the book of Galatians and starting on the Ephesians.

Last week at closing of the Second Corinthians, Paul defended his status as an apostle where he boasted in his own weakness to demonstrate Jesus’ grace. This will be elaborated further in the book of Galatians.

We often fall victim to desire to barter blessings with our actions calling upon our own ability to renew and persevere. Some even use suffering as a way to spiritual growth instead of accepting it as a consequence of the falling world. Paul’s experiences demonstrated the truth about gospel. It is not by one’s own perseverance to overcome adversity, not by one’s capacity to withstand fleshly wounds, nor by one’s ability to endure suffering. It is by the power of God’s grace He gives to His people. The thorn in Paul’s body is not a calling to suffer, but a promise God gives to all Christians so that when we are weak, His power may be seen through our weakness. Gospel is good news because His grace is sufficient. God reveals Himself through His word. We can only boast for the word became flesh. Our inadequacy is an opportunity for God’s power and grace to be shown.

May God’s word renew you all each day!


What is the real gospel?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

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