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第12週 第7天 補漏拾遺


使徒行傳 3-4【繁體】
【简体】 【NIV】 【YouVersion】
詩篇 84【繁體】
【简体】 【NIV】 【YouVersion】


March 29, 2020

【經文:“彼得、約翰定睛看他;彼得說:「你看我們!」那人就留意看他們,指望得着甚麼。彼得說:「金銀我都沒有,只把我所有的給你:我奉拿撒勒人耶穌基督的名,叫你起來行走!」” 使徒行傳 3:4-6】

【經文:“除他以外,別無拯救;因為在天下人間,沒有賜下別的名,我們可以靠着得救。」” 使徒行傳 4:12】

【經文:“彼得、約翰說:「聽從你們,不聽從神,這在神面前合理不合理,你們自己酌量吧!我們所看見所聽見的,不能不說。」” 使徒行傳 4:19-20】




——面對長官和君王:4:1-22,當他們被祭司們和守殿官,並撒都該人捉拿起來審訊的時候,面對這些剛剛把主耶穌送上十字架不久的人,他們被聖靈充滿,大膽講論做見證,指向主耶穌。“你們眾人和以色列百姓都當知道,站在你們面前這人得痊癒是因你們所釘十字架、神叫他從死裡復活的拿撒勒人耶穌基督的名。”,“除他以外,別無拯救;因為天下人間,沒有賜下別的名,我們可以靠著得救。”。當被責令不要再傳福音的時候,他們說「聽從你們,不聽從神,這在神面前合理不合理,你們自己酌量吧! 我們所看見所聽見的,不能不說。」

我們所看見所聽見的,不能不說”!主耶穌得著的生命,是時時刻刻將人指向他的生命;這是新生命所結的自然的果子,不僅僅是外面的環境無法阻擋,即便是自己也無法阻擋。耶利米說“我若說:我不再提耶和華,也不再奉他的名講論,我便心裏覺得似乎有燒着的火閉塞在我骨中,我就含忍不住,不能自禁。” (耶利米書 20:9)
Rick Warren (華理克)曾經講過他父親臨終前的故事,是這樣的:

My father was a minister for over fifty years, serving mostly in small, rural churches. He was a simple preacher, but he was a man with a mission. His favorite activity was taking teams of volunteers overseas to build church buildings for small congregations. In his lifetime, Dad built over 150 churches around the world.

In 1999, my father died of cancer. In the final week of his life the disease kept him awake in a semi-conscious state nearly twenty-four hours a day. As he dreamed, he’d talk out loud about what he was dreaming. Sitting by his bedside, I learned a lot about my dad by just listening to his dreams. He relived one church building project after another.

One night near the end, while my wife, my niece, and I were by his bedside, Dad suddenly became very active and tried to get out of bed. Of course, he was too weak, and my wife insisted he lay back down. But he persisted in trying to get out of bed, so my wife finally asked, “Jimmy, what are you trying to do?” He replied,

Got to save one more for Jesus! Got to save one more for Jesus! Got to save one more for Jesus!
He began to repeat that phrase over and over.

During the next hour, he said the phrase probably a hundred times. “Got to save one more for Jesus!” As I sat by his bed with tears flowing down my cheeks, I bowed my head to thank God for my dad’s faith. At that moment Dad reached out and placed his frail hand on my head and said, as if commissioning me, “Save one more for Jesus! Save one more for Jesus!”

I intend for that to be the theme of the rest of my life. I invite you to consider it as a focus for your life, too, because nothing will make a greater difference for eternity. If you want to be used by God, you must care about what God cares about: what He cares about most is the redemption of the people He made. He wants His lost children found! Nothing matters more to God; the Cross proves that. I pray that you will always be on the lookout to reach “one more for Jesus” so that when you stand before God one day, you can say, “Mission Accomplished”.

“Save one more for Jesus”,這燃燒在生命的骨髓中的熊熊烈火,催促這位彌留的老人要起來繼續為主做工;也催逼彼得和約翰放膽講論主耶穌。你我可願意也得同樣的美好生命?
