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Weekly Guide:Week 54

February 03, 2019

Week 54 Day 1: David in Exile


This week, we continue to read the First Samuel where David remained on the run from Saul’s pursue. Saul was afraid and envious of David’s success and apparently had some psychological problems. The more he tried to hurt David, the more David stayed on God’s path.

This is a recurring principle in Bible that reveals how God accomplishes His missions: the more God’s adversaries oppose His will, the more victorious God’s people would experience. Joseph’s brothers’ plan for his demise became a path way for God to uplift Joseph. Pharaoh tried to destroy Israel out of fear turned into a growth of Israelites’ population. Opposition became help to victory and persecution promoted spread of faith. The ultimate revelation is seen in Jesus that His death on the cross brings salvation. So, there’s rejoicing found in hostility because God’s will can never be toppled by human aversion.

May you all be renewed in God’s word each day!


What is the real reason behind Saul’s fear for David?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 54 Day 2: Blessings in Disguise


How did David grow stronger in the Lord’s grace and peace while facing persecution?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 54 Day 3: Forgiven by God


How did David forgive Saul in God and how did he almost commit great sin of flesh?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 54 Day 4: Protection from Men


Why did David stray away from God’s protection?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 54 Day 5: Protection from God


How did God rescue David from a difficult situation?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 54 Day 6: Return to God


How did David turn back to God?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 54 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

Scripture Reading


Notes and Responses

Week 54 Day 1: Protection from Men

### Question Why did David stray away from God's protection? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The Ziphites again revealed David's hiding place to Saul and he went searching for David. God then delivered Saul to David one more time. David's men suggested to him to kill Saul but David continued to spare Saul's live. David again questioned Saul and he expressed remorse. + David could not trust Saul and escaped to the Israelites' arch-enemy Philistines and earned the trust of Philistine king. He went attacking the Israelites' enemies, the Geshurites, the Girzites and the Amalekites, but lied to the Philistine king that he was attacking Israelites in order to gain trust of the king. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - David left Judah to the Philistines. It seemed, on the surface, David did not believe Saul but, in truth, David did not have faith in God's protection. Why? What is the basis of our faith when we forgive someone? Is it based on their transformation or God's mercy and omnipotence? + **Integrity** - David did not inquire of God when he went to the Philistines but totally on his own will to seek their protection. He strayed away from God and caused him to commit more sins. Although he used the opportunity to attack Israelites' enemies but had to cover it with lies. Is this pleasing to God?


Notes and Responses

Week 54 Day 2: Protection from God

### Question How did God rescue David from a difficult situation? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The Philistines gathered to attack Israel. Saul could not get any answer from God, so he went to consult a medium which God despised. The answer he got caused great horror and made him to lose all hope. + Being in the land of the Philistines, David was caught in a difficult position for he had to choose either to follow the Philistines to attack Israel or refuse and be killed by the Philistines. But God used the doubts from within the Philistines to remove David from the Philistines and relieved him of this impossible position. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Saul broke off his connection with God, walked ever farther away from Him and unable to find peace from anything he had his hands on. However, God never forsake his elected. David strayed away from God, but God protected him and miraculously brought him out of the dire situation. Was God unfair to Saul? Let me go back a few chapters to see if God gave Saul the opportunities to turn back to Him. + **Integrity** - The reason David got stuck in such dire situation was his straying away from God, seeking of protection from the Philistines, and then the lies. What can I learn from this? If I ever stray away from God, let me not cover up prior sins with even more sins.


Notes and Responses

Week 54 Day 3: Return to God

### Question How did David turn back to God? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The Amalekites revenged on David by raiding Ziklag of all women, all things, all the young and the old. Not only saddened, David also faced danger of being stoned by his own men. It is in this hopeless situation, David turned back to God, to lean on Him for strength. + God blessed David's rescue plan. Not only was he able to save his family, recovered all things he had lost, but he took plunders from the battle. + David treated the Amalekite slave with mercy and received his help. David was also merciful to those who were exhausted and had to stay behind. He shared God's blessings with them and all the places he roamed. + Saul met his end in the last battle. He ended his own life for he could not face the unknown future. He wanted to avoid humiliation but his remain was humiliated completely. The people of Jabesh Gilead whom Saul had saved before, took his remain back, buried it despite of danger, and fasted seven days for him. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - The Bible had no record of David inquiring of God after he went to the Philistines. Obviously, those were the days he was away from God. But David did turn back to God when he was facing danger and depended upon God for strength. God answered David's prayer and led him to the rescue. What inhibits me from turning to God when facing danger? How does David encourage me? + **Integrity** - David was willing to stop and help the dying slave while in pursue of the Amalekites. This slave became an important help to David. When in victory, David shared equally the plunders to include those two hundred who stayed behind because "what the Lord has given us, all will share alike" and made it into a statue and ordinance of Israel. He then shared the plunder to all the places he had roamed. Why was David so generous? Was he a clever king who knew how to buy into people's hearts or was that a transformation resulted from his spiritual journey?


Notes and Responses

Week 54 Day 4: Anointed Once Again

### Question How is it different for Ish-Bosheth being king and David being king? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + A young Amalekite came to David to report the death of Saul and claimed that he had killed him. David executed the young man for he killed the Lord's anointed. He then mourned for Saul and Jonathan and written for them the lament of the bow. + The people of Judah anointed David in Hebron. David reigned in Hebron as king of Judah for seven years and six months. At the same time, the commander of Saul's army, Abner, made the son of Saul the king of Israel in Mahanaim. The war between the house of David and the house of Saul started. + Abner challenged Judah and started fighting with Joab. They began with a small fight with a few involved then escalated into an all-out fierce war with heavy lost on both sides. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - What are the differences in the following three instances of kingship? Abner making Ish-Bosheth king, Judah anointing David as king, and the Israelites casting lot to select Saul as king. Thinking about the differences between a life following God's will and a life following the world's will, what kind of life do I want to live? + **Community** - We see the friendship between David and Jonathan in the lament of the bow. How is it different from the worldly friendships? Abner and Joab started with restrained fight then escalated to become a fierce civil war between brothers. This led to the killing of Asahel and Joab's hatred. They were all descendant of Jacob and children of God. What turned them into enemies? What disputes between them do I see are happening in today's Christians that started as insignificant contest then turned into vicious fight? Have I experienced anything like this and need to atone before the Lord?


Notes and Responses

Week 54 Day 5: A New King

### Question How did Saul's kingship meet its end? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + David grew stronger and stronger, while the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker. + David became king of Judah, continued to have more wives and sons. + Abner betrayed the house of Saul and defected to David. Abner submitted to David's demand to bring him back Michal who was Saul's daughter and David's first wife. Abner went back to confer with the Israelite elders about establishing a covenant with David. + Joab murdered Abner as revenge for his brother Asahel. David cursed Joab and mourned for Abner. Thus, the Israelites in the north knew it wasn't David's idea to kill Abner. + The Israelite king Ish-Bosheth was murdered by two of Saul's raiding band leaders. They were executed by David when they asked David for the credit of the killing. David buried Ish-Bosheth with Abner. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Abner knew David was God's anointed and yet made Ish-Bosheth king? When angered by Ish-Bosheth, Abner defected to David. What was his motive? What was Joab's sin in killing Abner? Why did David curse Joab and told him to mourn and bury Abner? What is the relationship between the three? + **Integrity** - The two leaders of Saul's raiding bands went to David to claim credit for killing Ish-Bosheth. Whey did David execute them? David should have known that Abner was behind the weak Ish-Bosheth during the seven-year-standoff against the house of Saul. Why was David's attitude different toward Abner compared to these two raiding band leaders? What strengths or shortcomings do I see in David's life?


Notes and Responses

Week 54 Day 6: Third Time Anointed

### Question How was David's relationship with God after he was anointed as king of Israel? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + David got anointed as Israel king, captured Jerusalem, and built a palace. David knew God had established him as the king of Israel. + Led by God, David defeated the Philistines. + David attempted to bring the ark back to Jerusalem but did not follow the law when transporting it. They committed infraction against God's holiness and caused God's anger to burn against Uzzah. David was angry and afraid until God's anger had gone away. David brought the ark back the second time to Jerusalem. He obeyed the law, humbled himself, danced with all his might, and shouted in the sound of trumpets in great rejoice. + David wanted to build a house for the Lord. Instead, God promised David that He would establish for David and descendants a house and kingdom forever. This is the hope of the Messiah. David prayed to answer God's blessings, His promise is for all His people, and all people would come back to Him and praise Him. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - What was the mistake David made in his first attempt to bring the ark back? Why was Uzzah killed? What caused David to be angry and then afraid? Seen from David's attitude, how had his relationship with God changed in the second attempt? Have I experienced the serious side of God's righteousness in my spiritual life? How did this experience help me in my relationship with God? + **Integrity** - What characters of David can I see in his prayer replying to God's promise? He not only thanked God for establishing his household, he also saw God's promise for all Israelites and all people to go to God and praise God. What can I learn from David with him looking beyond his own spiritual circumstance? In what areas may I see farther?


Notes and Responses

Week 54 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

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Notes and Responses

Week 54 Day 5: Prayer of Hannah

### Question How did Hannah find peace from her prayer? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Hannah was provoked and irritated by her husband's other wife, Peninnah, due to her infertility. Peninnah would provoke Hannah even more each year during the family's annual sacrifice in Shiloh. + Hannah prayed in front of the Lord, for a son to give to the Lord. + Eli the priest told Hannah to go in peace and her face was no longer downcast. Through her prayer, the Lord remembered Hannah and gave her a son named Samuel. When he had weaned, Hannah brought Samuel to Eli to dedicate him to the Lord as she had promised in her prayer. Hannah gave thanks and praised the Lord. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Hannah was no longer downcast and ate right after she had prayed. What relieved Hannah of the sorrow that got piled up after all those years? Am I being sorrowful? Is it because I never let go of my sorrow even after I have prayed to God? What did Hannah really ask for in her prayer? What does it remind me about my prayer? + **Walking with God** - What did Hannah do after God had answered her prayer? What did I do after God had answered my prayer? Hannah gave her son away not long after she gave birth to him, but she happily thanked and praised the Lord. What caused her for doing so? What should the focus of my prayer be?


Notes and Responses

Week 54 Day 6: Upbringing of Prophet

### Question What was it like when Samuel grew up? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Although Eli was a priest, his sons were scoundrels and brought sins into the Israelites. Through the mouth of a man of God, the judgment to Eli's family was declared. + Samuel ministered before the Lord when he was still a boy. He found favor with the Lord and was chosen to be the new high priest. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - What does it mean that Eli honored his two sons more than God? Contrast Eli's attitude in educating his sons to Hannah's dedication of Samuel to God. What does it remind me of? + **Fidelity** - Eli's two sons were the Lord's priest, but they did not know the Lord. Samuel, on the other hand, was young and not yet knowing the Lord but served the Lord faithfully, grew in favor of the Lord, and also with man. Compare Eli, his two sons, and Samuel their attitudes in serving the Lord. What can I learn from it?


Notes and Responses

2022-2023 Week 54 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

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