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Weekly Guide:Week 47

December 16, 2018

Week 47 Day 1: Facing our Past


This week, we start reading the books of Philemon and Hebrews.

We read God’s word each day and should know the great effectiveness of His word. God breathed His word into Bible, inspired man to record it into the scriptures, and brought life to countless believers. The Bible brings us to know Jesus, to receive His salvation, to transform us, and to train us so that we may continue to receive the benefits. The Bible teaches us the knowledge we ought to know, admonishes us of the unrighteous acts, directs us on the path of God, encourages us to obey the righteous way of Jesus, so that we may receive the gift of salvation by grace through faith, and that we may be matured and sanctified in God.

May you all be renewed in God’s word each day!


How to face our past sufferings and mistakes?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 2: Superior to Angels


Who is Christ? Do you know Him?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 3: The Great Salvation


How did Jesus accomplish the salvation?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 4: Enter God's Rest


In what does Jesus surpass Moses?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 5: High Priest Jesus


How to understand Jesus’ duty as the great high priest.

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 6: Jesus the Guarantor


What are the differences between the priesthood of Jesus and Aaron?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

Scripture Reading


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 1: The Righteous Conduct

### Question What is a life pleasing to God like? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Paul encouraged the Thessalonian believers to continue to do what they were doing, with faith, love, and hope, to strive and endeavor to do even more. + Paul with Jesus' command asked the Thessalonian believers not to live in sin but holy lives. + Paul encouraged the believers to love each other, to live quietly, and to testify. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - The Thessalonian believers were quite mature in their lives of faith, love, and hope but Paul encouraged them to do even more. It is never enough practicing life's integrity as we strive to do more. Think, without reservation, about the areas have I grown and be grateful for it! At the same time, don't be complacent in believing that I have it all. How shall I continue to do more? + **Integrity** - Live a holy life, stay away from sexual immorality. A command from Jesus. Not obeying this command will both pollute our body which is God's temple and offend others around us. The morality of the time in Roman Empire was corrupted as in today. We face the same challenges and temptations as the Thessalonians faced. Whether married or not, man or woman, what temptations do I face? How do I use my body in the right way by keeping it holy and by respecting it? How do I teach my children to keep their bodies holy and not to follow the world?


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 2: To Stay Alert

### Question How will it be like when Jesus comes again? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + When Jesus comes again, the dead will be brought to life, then with those are still living on earth, will be gathered together in the clouds and meet with the Lord in the sky to be with Him forever. + The day Jesus comes again will be like a robber coming at night, no one knows when. + Believers shall watch and keep minds awake, take cover with faith, love, and hope, to wait for the Lord's coming. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Waiting for the Lord's coming, we must watch and keep our minds awake, be children of light, take cover in faith, love, hope, and comfort and strengthen each other. This means we shall remind ourselves of this promise when we are weak. This is no rhetoric! Think about my own weaknesses and difficulties I'm facing and ask the Lord to help me realize such hope with my life through the work of the Holy Spirit. + **Identity** - We are unlike the world for we know Jesus will come again. Whether dead or still alive, all those who belong to Jesus will leave this world and meet with the Lord to be with Him forever. This is not so distant a promise, it is the reflection of the realization of our identity and value. Let me imagine what it will be like the day the Lord comes again. What comfort and relief form the world's sufferings and temptations does it bring?


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 3: To Set Apart

### Question What did Paul tell the Thessalonian believers to have a close relationship with God and with others? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Christians shall respect God's servants who work among them. + Christians are to live in peace with each other, speak to those who do not want to work, comfort those who feel they cannot keep going, and help the weak. Always look for ways to do good to each other and to all people. + Christians are to follow God's will, stay connected with the Holy Spirit and the way of the good. + The God of faith will set Christians apart for Himself. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Paul asked the believers to connect with God: be full of joy all the time, never stop praying, give thanks in everything. What does this remind me of in my daily life? How do I give thanks for things I don't believe are good? What does it mean not to try stopping the work of the Holy Spirit? Are there callings from the Holy Spirit that I excused myself from? What does it mean not to laugh at those who speak for God? What attitude do I hold when listening to sermons? + **Community** - Paul encouraged the believers the first thing about the relationship with the limbs is to respect those who works. What are the differences between respect and think much with love? Is there anything I need to change in the way I treat the servants of God? Paul mentioned the second thing being to do good with each other. What does it mean to treat each other by doing good with each other? (Jesus said only God is good, Luke 18)


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 4: The Righteous Judgement

### Question What hope does the promise of the Lord's coming brings to those who are suffering? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The faith stays strong in those who are suffering because God wants them to prove themselves to be worthy in His holy nation. + God does what is right and will allow trouble to come to those who are making it hard for the sufferers. He will help those who are suffering. + God will bring His righteous judgement when the Lord comes again. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - God wants the believers to suffer for His holy nation. We might not be facing persecution, but there are other forms of suffering. Can I think of some examples? The promise of the Lord's coming is not just to let us to be with Him forever, but also brings glory to the faithful and punishments to those who refuse Him. From the above question about suffering examples for His holy nation, how does His promise help believers rejoice in hope and endurance?


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 5: End the Unlawful

### Question Who is the source of the unlawful before the Lord's coming? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + There will be signs, there will be people turning away from God, and the coming of their leader, the man of sin, before the Lord's coming. So, do not be troubled or worried when some say the Lord has already come. + Satan will use this man of sin. He will do strange things and many powerful works that will be false. All who do not believe in the Lord will be guilty when they stand before God. + When the Lord comes, He brings the end to the man of sin. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - We are in the age of time's end and there are those who pronounce the Christ is already here. How should we face them according to Paul? The man of sin will come and do strange and powerful things. But nothing can take away the salvation and those who turned away from God would have no excuses because God's plan will be accomplished. Where have you experienced God's sovereignty?


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 6: To Work Quietly

### Question What example did Paul set? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + We must understand our own identity and know whom to rely on, so we may stand firm and be strengthened in every good deed and word. + Keep away from all who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching. Warn them as you would do for a fellow believer so they may feel ashamed and turn around. + Make example of Paul, working quietly, earning his own living, not being a burden of others, not being disruptive, not being idle, not being an unproductive busy body. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - The churches of Paul's time usually share everything and meal together. Some would take advantage of this and not being productive but disruptive. Therefore, Paul warned these people to work quietly and earn their own food. Such people are those, in God's household, relying on others to complete their assigned tasks and yet meddling everywhere. Have I criticized others? Let me reflect on my own actions and duties, have I done my best to complete all my tasks? + **Community** - Paul said to keep away from those who idles and disrupts and does not live according to the teaching so that they would realize their shame and repent. But, to treat them as fellow believers not enemies. The purpose of teaching is to love and admonish is to help them repent. When I see improper behavior from fellow Christians, what would be my intention to evade or admonish?


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

{% include BibleLinks2020.html %}


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 1: The Righteous Conduct

### Question What is a life pleasing to God like? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Paul encouraged the Thessalonian believers to continue to do what they were doing, with faith, love, and hope, to strive and endeavor to do even more. + Paul with Jesus' command asked the Thessalonian believers not to live in sin but holy lives. + Paul encouraged the believers to love each other, to live quietly, and to testify. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - The Thessalonian believers were quite mature in their lives of faith, love, and hope but Paul encouraged them to do even more. It is never enough practicing life's integrity as we strive to do more. Think, without reservation, about the areas have I grown and be grateful for it! At the same time, don't be complacent in believing that I have it all. How shall I continue to do more? + **Integrity** - Live a holy life, stay away from sexual immorality. A command from Jesus. Not obeying this command will both pollute our body which is God's temple and offend others around us. The morality of the time in Roman Empire was corrupted as in today. We face the same challenges and temptations as the Thessalonians faced. Whether married or not, man or woman, what temptations do I face? How do I use my body in the right way by keeping it holy and by respecting it? How do I teach my children to keep their bodies holy and not to follow the world?


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 2: To Stay Alert

### Question How will it be like when Jesus comes again? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + When Jesus comes again, the dead will be brought to life, then with those are still living on earth, will be gathered together in the clouds and meet with the Lord in the sky to be with Him forever. + The day Jesus comes again will be like a robber coming at night, no one knows when. + Believers shall watch and keep minds awake, take cover with faith, love, and hope, to wait for the Lord's coming. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Waiting for the Lord's coming, we must watch and keep our minds awake, be children of light, take cover in faith, love, hope, and comfort and strengthen each other. This means we shall remind ourselves of this promise when we are weak. This is no rhetoric! Think about my own weaknesses and difficulties I'm facing and ask the Lord to help me realize such hope with my life through the work of the Holy Spirit. + **Identity** - We are unlike the world for we know Jesus will come again. Whether dead or still alive, all those who belong to Jesus will leave this world and meet with the Lord to be with Him forever. This is not so distant a promise, it is the reflection of the realization of our identity and value. Let me imagine what it will be like the day the Lord comes again. What comfort and relief form the world's sufferings and temptations does it bring?


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 3: To Set Apart

### Question What did Paul tell the Thessalonian believers to have a close relationship with God and with others? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Christians shall respect God's servants who work among them. + Christians are to live in peace with each other, speak to those who do not want to work, comfort those who feel they cannot keep going, and help the weak. Always look for ways to do good to each other and to all people. + Christians are to follow God's will, stay connected with the Holy Spirit and the way of the good. + The God of faith will set Christians apart for Himself. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Paul asked the believers to connect with God: be full of joy all the time, never stop praying, give thanks in everything. What does this remind me of in my daily life? How do I give thanks for things I don't believe are good? What does it mean not to try stopping the work of the Holy Spirit? Are there callings from the Holy Spirit that I excused myself from? What does it mean not to laugh at those who speak for God? What attitude do I hold when listening to sermons? + **Community** - Paul encouraged the believers the first thing about the relationship with the limbs is to respect those who works. What are the differences between respect and think much with love? Is there anything I need to change in the way I treat the servants of God? Paul mentioned the second thing being to do good with each other. What does it mean to treat each other by doing good with each other? (Jesus said only God is good, Luke 18)


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 4: The Righteous Judgement

### Question What hope does the promise of the Lord's coming brings to those who are suffering? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The faith stays strong in those who are suffering because God wants them to prove themselves to be worthy in His holy nation. + God does what is right and will allow trouble to come to those who are making it hard for the sufferers. He will help those who are suffering. + God will bring His righteous judgement when the Lord comes again. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - God wants the believers to suffer for His holy nation. We might not be facing persecution, but there are other forms of suffering. Can I think of some examples? The promise of the Lord's coming is not just to let us to be with Him forever, but also brings glory to the faithful and punishments to those who refuse Him. From the above question about suffering examples for His holy nation, how does His promise help believers rejoice in hope and endurance?


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 5: End the Unlawful

### Question Who is the source of the unlawful before the Lord's coming? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + There will be signs, there will be people turning away from God, and the coming of their leader, the man of sin, before the Lord's coming. So, do not be troubled or worried when some say the Lord has already come. + Satan will use this man of sin. He will do strange things and many powerful works that will be false. All who do not believe in the Lord will be guilty when they stand before God. + When the Lord comes, He brings the end to the man of sin. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - We are in the age of time's end and there are those who pronounce the Christ is already here. How should we face them according to Paul? The man of sin will come and do strange and powerful things. But nothing can take away the salvation and those who turned away from God would have no excuses because God's plan will be accomplished. Where have you experienced God's sovereignty?


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 6: To Work Quietly

### Question What example did Paul set? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + We must understand our own identity and know whom to rely on, so we may stand firm and be strengthened in every good deed and word. + Keep away from all who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching. Warn them as you would do for a fellow believer so they may feel ashamed and turn around. + Make example of Paul, working quietly, earning his own living, not being a burden of others, not being disruptive, not being idle, not being an unproductive busy body. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - The churches of Paul's time usually share everything and meal together. Some would take advantage of this and not being productive but disruptive. Therefore, Paul warned these people to work quietly and earn their own food. Such people are those, in God's household, relying on others to complete their assigned tasks and yet meddling everywhere. Have I criticized others? Let me reflect on my own actions and duties, have I done my best to complete all my tasks? + **Community** - Paul said to keep away from those who idles and disrupts and does not live according to the teaching so that they would realize their shame and repent. But, to treat them as fellow believers not enemies. The purpose of teaching is to love and admonish is to help them repent. When I see improper behavior from fellow Christians, what would be my intention to evade or admonish?


Notes and Responses

Week 47 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

{% include BibleLinks2022.html %}


Notes and Responses