Weekly Guide:Week 45
December 02, 2018
This week, we will complete the reading of the second book of Thessalonians and start on the first book of Timothy.
God’s word is the source of freedom for heart and soul away from the bondage of environments. A beat-up Bible usually belongs to a man of integrity. It is from Bible we are able to see God’s commands and law to connect our lives with His original intention for His creations. God’s word is like water for the fishes, air for the birds, and an environment for which we can be free when we live our lives in.
From the services of the angels to the works of the insects, from positions of the stars to the gravity that acts on each and every speck of dusts, the energy and glory of all lives and matters obey the law of God. This is true freedom.
May you all be renewed in God’s word every day!
What example did Paul set?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
We must understand our own identity and know whom to rely on, so we may stand firm and be strengthened in every good deed and word.
Keep away from all who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching. Warn them as you would do for a fellow believer so they may feel ashamed and turn around.
Make example of Paul, working quietly, earning his own living, not being a burden of others, not being disruptive, not being idle, not being an unproductive busy body.
Meditation: My Story
Identity - The churches of Paul’s time usually share everything and meal together. Some would take advantage of this and not being productive but disruptive. Therefore, Paul warned these people to work quietly and earn their own food. Such people are those, in God’s household, relying on others to complete their assigned tasks and yet meddling everywhere. Have I criticized others? Let me reflect on my own actions and duties, have I done my best to complete all my tasks?
Community - Paul said to keep away from those who idles and disrupts and does not live according to the teaching so that they would realize their shame and repent. But, to treat them as fellow believers not enemies. The purpose of teaching is to love and admonish is to help them repent. When I see improper behavior from fellow Christians, what would be my intention to evade or admonish?
Notes and Responses
Where is love coming from?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
In serving church, we must be careful not to teach false doctrines, not devote to myths or endless genealogies. None of these are of any help to growth in faith.
The goal of the commands in urging people of church is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
Law is for the lawbreakers. It should be used appropriately and not against the principles of gospel.
The Lord elected the sinners by grace and pours onto them with faith and love. He saves even the worst among the sinners for the world to see.
Meditation: My Story
Walking with God - False doctrine is not necessarily other religions but to pollute and confuse the believers with something added to the gospel. What does it mean by false doctrines, myths, and endless genealogies? Have I seen similar things in my Bible study small group? Why does it promote controversial speculations rather than advancing God’s work?
Integrity - Love (agape) comes from a pure heart, good conscience, and sincere faith. It helps us to stand firm on the truth. We have learned in First Corinthians about how the agape love is grown. What is a pure heart, a good conscience, and sincere faith?
Notes and Responses
Why is it pleasing to God to pray for all people?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
When going to war with our Lord, it is of the utmost importance to pray for all people, including kings and all those in authority so that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is pleasing to God because He wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Man shall pray, lift up holy hands without anger or disputing.
Woman shall act with decency and propriety, learn in quietness and full submission.
Meditation: My Story
Walking with God - What does it mean that the petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people including kings and all those in authority so that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness? Does it mean that we won’t face suffering and persecution? Knowing God’s will toward all people (including kings and all those in authority) helps us to learn to see all people through His eyes instead through our own feelings and benefits. Have I changed my attitude toward those around me? How can I pray for them?
Integrity - God does not discriminate on gender when He asked of men and women differently, rather, the different natures of our sins necessitate different warnings and reminding. Reflecting on my temper, am I often grumpy or in control? Is my work worldly and perhaps unpleasing to God instead of holy? Do I focus on arguing about difficult problems instead of praying? Do I pay more attention to my appearance and fashion instead of my life’s integrity? Do I like to express myself more than learning quietly? Do I judge instead of submit?
Notes and Responses
What are the requirements for overseers and deacons?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
Those who aspire to be overseers or deacons must desire noble tasks.
The overseers need to manage well his family and marriage; Have integrity in life, love God and love others, and be blameless both inside and out of the church; Must be mature in faith and be tested in life.
Deacons, men or women, must manage well in their family and marriage, control their tongues, love God’s word, be faithful to the Lord.
Serving is not just doing the works, but also benefits in building one’s faith and life’s integrity.
Meditation: My Story
Walking with God - Verse 3:13 explains that serving is not just doing the works. Faithful service would cause one’s faith and life’s integrity to grow. Reflect on my services, what was my past attitude toward them? What is my current attitude? Have I received blessings and grown in my spiritual life?
Integrity - God puts great emphasis on serving our own family and children. Family and marriage are the first fields of our services. Where in my spiritual life am I positioning my family and marriage? Do I need to make any adjustment to my priorities?
Notes and Responses
What is the mystery for godliness?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
The mystery for godliness is the gospel.
Some will abandon faith and impede people’s understanding of truth by ways of superficial godliness.
Stand firm on truth, train for godliness, have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales.
Don’t look down ourselves for young age, lack of maturity in Lord, or any other reasons. We shall always train for godliness and set examples for others.
Meditation: My Story
Walking with God - What is the mystery of godliness? What is a true godly life? What are the aspects of training for godliness?
Identity - Paul encouraged Timothy not to be looked down for his young age. In other words, do not give up such that his own importance is not realized because others may not take him seriously for his age. What aspects of my life have I looked down upon and use them as excuses for not training myself to be godly? Is it age, maturity in the Lord, academic achievement, capability, or worldly success? I shall strive to train myself to be godly in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity, and be an example to other believers.
Notes and Responses
From widows in real need to leaders of the church, what are the basic guidelines for attitudes toward them?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
Respect godly widows. Their children and grandchildren shall first take up the responsibility of caring for them. Church may take care of those widows who are alone and really in need. Staying widowed is not the only testimony; Remarry to have children and manage home well is also good testimony. Therefore, encourage young windows to remarry so that they don’t stumble by their sensual desires.
The elders who direct the affairs of the church well and those who preach and teach are worthy of double honor; Accusation against them must be brought by two or three witnesses; Reprove before everyone those who continue to sin; Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands; Do not share in the sins of others.
Treat people without partiality and do nothing out of favoritism.
Servant must respect master. Serve even better those masters who are believers.
Meditation: My Story
Community - Under what circumstances and what encouragements for the older and younger men as well the older and younger women are pleasing to God with absolute purity? For those who are in real need, such as the widows, what is the guideline for supporting them? What about the church elders and leaders?
Integrity - Absolute purity, respect godly people, double honor those who work hard, reprove before everyone those who (continue to) sin, treat people with impartiality, do things without favoritism. All these characters are gained through training to be godly. How has the Holy Spirit reminded me? Where am I lacking in treating people and things?
Notes and Responses
Scripture Reading
Notes and Responses
### Question
What areas of my life need to be renewed?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ Those who reconnect with God would have a life different from their former way of life. This is because the old self is corrupted by deceitful desires, but the new self is created to be like God.
+ We are children of light in the Lord and shall live in the light (goodness, righteousness, and truth) as well as to find out what pleases the Lord.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Integrity** - The Bible teaches us that connecting with God brings out a renewed life. Have I recently experienced a transformation of my life brought about by my renewed heart? We are often motivated by the decision to change and experience the joy of change. However, we sometimes forget the change and go back to business as usual. It is a long process to transform to the new life. How should I build a regular habit of devotion, immersion in God's word and His light to truly transform my life to have a God like character?
Notes and Responses
### Question
How should Christians face the spiritual wars?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ Christians face many kinds of wars in their lives from earthly authorities, the spiritual forces of evil, and their own desires.
+ God gave every Christians a full armor that is sufficient to win any war, to stand up to anything, and that God's will may be accomplished through us.
+ To win in the spiritual wars, we need to rely on God's power and pray often for ourselves as well as all Christians.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Walking with God** - Let me read in depth this passage: The full armor for the spiritual war begins with dependence on His mighty power and completes with praying by the power of the Spirit at all time with all kinds of prayers. This emphasized the importance of reliance on God's power for the spiritual war.
+ **Integrity** - It is undeniable that we are facing wars in our life. What God has built up in us reflects in our reactions toward these wars. When our characters are more like God, we become more capable to face these wars in accordance to His will and liking. Thus, God can be glorified through His disciples. Let me pray to God to equip me with all His armors: truth, righteousness, good news of peace, faith, salvation, God's word.
+ **Fidelity** - To be a warrior of Christ, my service must go past benefiting myself. Pray to God to help me to serve in: 1. Prayer and support to all Christians; 2. All areas of society and culture not yet following God.
Notes and Responses
### Question
What is Christian value?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ Paul prayed and was grateful for all who had joined him in spreading the gospel.
+ Paul being chained in prison was made beknown to all as a witness for Christ and helped spread the gospel.
+ Paul's value: to live is Christ and to die is gain.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Identity** - Pray to God to help me root deeply in my heart that it is my connection with Christ and realization of my new life that I would find my life is Him and to die is also a gain.
+ **Community** - Paul was thankful every time he remembered those who joined him in spreading gospel and was always happy to pray for them. Pray to God to remind me to pray and be grateful for my fellow Christians often.
+ **Fidelity** - Paul had no reservation for everything thing happened to him had helped spread the gospel. Pray to God to help me know and understand that gospel is not just for my own benefit alone but for the benefit of God's kingdom.
Notes and Responses
### Question
How should Christians live?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ Christians shall live in a way that's worthy of the gospel of Christ. Stand firm in the one Spirit and striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.
+ Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
+ Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Identity** - Pray to God to help me connect with Christ and work together with my fellow Christians in one Spirit so that we may stand firm and, with my new life, being one body in Christ.
+ **Community** - What in my life is making me proud? Where in me do I see myself being above the others? Pray to God to help me worry less of myself but more of the others.
Notes and Responses
### Question
What are the characteristics of a Christian's identity?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ Rejoice in the Lord and pray often.
+ I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.
+ Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
+ My brothers and sisters, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord in this way.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Identity** - How does it help me, knowing that I belong to the Kingdom of God and waiting for Christ's coming at any time? Where and how am I placing my hope, in the material world of today, or in the eternal transformation of my life?
+ **Integrity** - We are not being complacent because of the promises we've already gotten from God. Paul said it clearly, forget what's behind but push hard toward what's ahead toward the goal to win the prize that God had already promised. How am I being encouraged by this so that I would push hard to live my life to glorify God?
Notes and Responses
### Question
How are we to rejoice always?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ We shall rejoice in the Lord always.
+ Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present our requests to God.
+ Paul was content in any and every situation for he leaned on the Lord for strength.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Integrity** - Paul rejoiced not because of the situations, rather it was his leaning on the Lord for strength. Am I rejoicing? Am I presenting my requests to God by prayer and petition with thanksgiving instead of relying on my own strength?
+ **Fidelity** - Paul was content in any and every situation. Am I content when facing difficulties in my service? Why am I content or not content?
Notes and Responses
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Notes and Responses
### Question
What areas of my life need to be renewed?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ Those who reconnect with God would have a life different from their former way of life. This is because the old self is corrupted by deceitful desires, but the new self is created to be like God.
+ We are children of light in the Lord and shall live in the light (goodness, righteousness, and truth) as well as to find out what pleases the Lord.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Integrity** - The Bible teaches us that connecting with God brings out a renewed life. Have I recently experienced a transformation of my life brought about by my renewed heart? We are often motivated by the decision to change and experience the joy of change. However, we sometimes forget the change and go back to business as usual. It is a long process to transform to the new life. How should I build a regular habit of devotion, immersion in God's word and His light to truly transform my life to have a God like character?
Notes and Responses
### Question
How should Christians face the spiritual wars?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ Christians face many kinds of wars in their lives from earthly authorities, the spiritual forces of evil, and their own desires.
+ God gave every Christians a full armor that is sufficient to win any war, to stand up to anything, and that God's will may be accomplished through us.
+ To win in the spiritual wars, we need to rely on God's power and pray often for ourselves as well as all Christians.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Walking with God** - Let me read in depth this passage: The full armor for the spiritual war begins with dependence on His mighty power and completes with praying by the power of the Spirit at all time with all kinds of prayers. This emphasized the importance of reliance on God's power for the spiritual war.
+ **Integrity** - It is undeniable that we are facing wars in our life. What God has built up in us reflects in our reactions toward these wars. When our characters are more like God, we become more capable to face these wars in accordance to His will and liking. Thus, God can be glorified through His disciples. Let me pray to God to equip me with all His armors: truth, righteousness, good news of peace, faith, salvation, God's word.
+ **Fidelity** - To be a warrior of Christ, my service must go past benefiting myself. Pray to God to help me to serve in: 1. Prayer and support to all Christians; 2. All areas of society and culture not yet following God.
Notes and Responses
### Question
What is Christian value?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ Paul prayed and was grateful for all who had joined him in spreading the gospel.
+ Paul being chained in prison was made beknown to all as a witness for Christ and helped spread the gospel.
+ Paul's value: to live is Christ and to die is gain.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Identity** - Pray to God to help me root deeply in my heart that it is my connection with Christ and realization of my new life that I would find my life is Him and to die is also a gain.
+ **Community** - Paul was thankful every time he remembered those who joined him in spreading gospel and was always happy to pray for them. Pray to God to remind me to pray and be grateful for my fellow Christians often.
+ **Fidelity** - Paul had no reservation for everything thing happened to him had helped spread the gospel. Pray to God to help me know and understand that gospel is not just for my own benefit alone but for the benefit of God's kingdom.
Notes and Responses
### Question
How should Christians live?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ Christians shall live in a way that's worthy of the gospel of Christ. Stand firm in the one Spirit and striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.
+ Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
+ Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Identity** - Pray to God to help me connect with Christ and work together with my fellow Christians in one Spirit so that we may stand firm and, with my new life, being one body in Christ.
+ **Community** - What in my life is making me proud? Where in me do I see myself being above the others? Pray to God to help me worry less of myself but more of the others.
Notes and Responses
### Question
What are the characteristics of a Christian's identity?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ Rejoice in the Lord and pray often.
+ I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.
+ Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
+ My brothers and sisters, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord in this way.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Identity** - How does it help me, knowing that I belong to the Kingdom of God and waiting for Christ's coming at any time? Where and how am I placing my hope, in the material world of today, or in the eternal transformation of my life?
+ **Integrity** - We are not being complacent because of the promises we've already gotten from God. Paul said it clearly, forget what's behind but push hard toward what's ahead toward the goal to win the prize that God had already promised. How am I being encouraged by this so that I would push hard to live my life to glorify God?
Notes and Responses
### Question
How are we to rejoice always?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ We shall rejoice in the Lord always.
+ Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present our requests to God.
+ Paul was content in any and every situation for he leaned on the Lord for strength.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Integrity** - Paul rejoiced not because of the situations, rather it was his leaning on the Lord for strength. Am I rejoicing? Am I presenting my requests to God by prayer and petition with thanksgiving instead of relying on my own strength?
+ **Fidelity** - Paul was content in any and every situation. Am I content when facing difficulties in my service? Why am I content or not content?
Notes and Responses
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Notes and Responses
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Notes and Responses