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Weekly Guide:Week 35

September 23, 2018

Week 35 Day 1: Testimony in Jerusalem


We are completing the reading on the Book of Acts and starting on the Book of Romans.

Romans was written in Corinth when Paul was on his third missionary trip. It was written to the disciples in Rome who were mostly Gentiles and some Jews. This is the most influential book in Bible in the history of church. The significance of its topics, the references to the Old Testament, the vastness of its subjects, and the wealth of God’s grace are second to none in all books of Bible.

May you all be renewed in God’s word every day.


What dangers did Paul face in Jerusalem?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 2: Stand for Truth


How did Paul testify for the truth under the persecution?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 3: Explain the Truth


How did Paul testify for the truth in front of King Agrippa?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 4: High Sea Disaster


What did Paul encounter on the way to Rome?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 5: Preach with Boldness


How did Paul continue to preach gospel after he had arrived in Rome?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 6: Gospel of God


What is gospel?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

Scripture Reading


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 1: Tribe of Judah

### Question Which tribe was the first to receive land? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Caleb and the tribe of Judah were the first to receive inheritance indicating the significance of the tribe. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - The tribe of Judah was the first to receive the inheritance some hundred years after God promised Abraham and Jacob. Being children of God, we have the inheritance of grace in Jesus Christ. Pray for myself and fellow Christians to give thanks to the Lord for the spiritual home and the identity of being Children of God. + **Fidelity** - Caleb co-worked with Joshua for forty years. At age eighty-five, he asked Joshua to give him the hill country occupied by Anakites in their fortified cities because he had faith that God will help him drive out the Anakites. Do I often lax in my services and lust in self-indulgence because I feel I have done enough? Do I serve according to my ability or God's promise?


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Week 35 Day 2: Tribes of Joseph

### Question What tribes were the next to receive land? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The two tribes of Joseph's descend were next to receive their allotments: Ephraim and half tribe of Manasseh. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Ephraim was mentioned first in getting their inheritance even though Manasseh was Joseph's firstborn, because Jacob had put Ephraim ahead of Manasseh (Gen. 48:20). God elected us, the weak, and made us strong. How do I identify myself in Christ Jesus?


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Week 35 Day 3: The Other Tribes

### Question How was the inheritance divided up for the rest of the tribes? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The inheritance was divided up in different way than the tribes of Judah and Joseph. + The Tribe of Benjamin was first to receive their inheritance which included the yet to be conquered Jerusalem. Then the remaining tribes. + The last was allotted to Joshua. The narrative on dividing the inheritance of land started and ended with the two Israelites of previous generation: Caleb and Joshua. ### Meditation: My Story + **Community** - As the leader of Israel, Joshua waited till the last to receive his inheritance. What can I learn from Joshua's humbleness to put the benefits of others first?


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 4: Tribe of Levi

### Question How did the Levites get their allotment? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + God established six cities of refuge. Three on the east side of Jordan River and three on the west. These are evenly distributed in the promised land to ensure that anyone who killed unintentionally could get to one of them within a half day. This was by the command God had given to Moses. (Deu. 19:1-13; Num. 35:9-34) + The Levites were spread out among the entire promised land and were allotted towns from the tribes. They were to live among the tribes to bring about God centered life to them. + When all promised lands were allotted and given to the Israelites, not one of all the Lord's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled. (Joshua 21:45) ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - The cities of refuge were not for the Israelites alone but for those gentiles living among them, as well. God treated everyone equally. God established the cities of refuge because He values our lives. We should value our own lives, too, because we were made with God's image. How do I view my spouse, family members, colleagues, and co-workers? + **Identity** -The Levites lived among the Israelites like the Simeonites. But their missions and identities were vastly different. God's election changes our identity and value. How has God changed me? + **Integrity** - Caleb painstakingly conquered Hebron but gave up to the Levites as a city of refuge and left himself the fields and villages around the city. What do Caleb's character and integrity remind me of? + **Walking with God** - God' promises never fall short! How does this fact encourage me in my struggles?


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 5: Back to East

### Question How did the two and half tribes go back to their lands on the east side of Jordan? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The two and half tribes of the east kept their promise to carry out the mission God gave them to help their fellow Israelites obtain their lands. Afterward, Joshua blessed them and asked them to serve and walk in obedience of the Lord. He reminded them to share the plunders of war with their fellow Israelites then sent them home. + The two and half tribes built an imposing altar near Jordan River. This brought suspicion from the nine and half tribes that they were serving other gods. Israelites sent priest Phinehas and heads of the nine and half tribes to question them. They gently proclaimed their faith in the Lord to resolve the situation and turned tension into peace. ### Meditation: My Story + **Community** - Looking at the misunderstanding between the nine and half tribes of the west and the two and half tribes of the east. How does it remind me in my relationships with my co-workers, family, and spouse? How should I treat those who seem to have done something wrong to me?


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 6: Joshua's Last Words

### Question What were Joshua's last words to the Israelites? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Chapter 23 is Joshua's final encouragement to the heads of the Israelite tribes. Chapter 24 is Joshua's final encouragement to the entire Israelite community, to renew the covenant with God. + Joshua counted the blessings God gave Israelites to remind them to fear the Lord and serve Him with all faithfulness. Do not serve other gods and do not inter-mix and marry the gentiles. + Joshua let the people choose, made covenant with them, and set up a large stone as witness. + Joshua and Eleazar passed. The bones of Joseph were buried in Shechem. The age the Israelites wandered in the desert ended. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Joseph had faith in God's promise and his bones testified for God long after his passing. Pray to God to strengthen my faith as Joseph's and make my life a witness to God's glory. + **Fidelity** - What does the final encouragement Joshua gave to the Israelites mean to me? Am I willing to put myself and my family in front of the Lord to serve Him? How should I live out my life in serving the Lord?


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

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Week 35 Day 1: Full to Empty

### Question What faith did Ruth display? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + During the age when everyone did as they fit, Elimelek fled famine with wife Naomi and two sons for he had little faith. They left Bethlehem in "full" to Moab, a land God despised. God brought suffering to them and Elimelek and his two sons died in Moab. One of the daughter-in-law left Naomi and went back to her home and the Moabite god. The other determined to stay with Naomi and God. + The famous quote of Ruth, a true display of faith: "Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God." Ruth became the ancestor of David, an important member in Jesus' lineage. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Elimelek's weak faith caused him to leave the promised land into the seemingly plenty of Moab because he loved the world more than God's promise. Naomi was saddened but never complained about her suffering. She displayed great faith with her life right in front of her two Gentile daughters-in-law. Orpah could not uphold what she had started, left God and went back to the world of idols where she had come from. Ruth, envy of Naomi's God, was determined to follow Naomi and became a great testimony of faith. What do these people remind me of? Where do I stand in the journey of my life right now?


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 2: Covered with Grace

### Question What life testimony did the Gentile Ruth live out? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Ruth gleaned in the field for mother-in-law Naomi and herself and was protected by the gracious Boaz. + Ruth was richly rewarded just as Boaz's blessing for her: "May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge." ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Ruth, a Gentile woman, her love for Naomi and faith for God became a great testimony to the Israelites. God's grace covered the Moabite woman Ruth aplenty even though the law dictates that the Moabites are not chosen as His. It is by God's election that changes our identity. What is my identity before and after I have come to know God? How do I identify myself and my value now? + **Integrity** - What Boaz saw in Ruth was not lust but her faith in God. From what can I see Boaz's tenderness and respect toward Ruth? How should I view those who are in need?


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 3: A Guardian Redeemer

### Question How did Boaz fulfill his responsibility as a guardian-redeemer? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + When one dies, according to the law, a close relative is obligated to redeem his family, marry his wife, and buy his land to maintain the inheritance. Naomi followed this law to find a home for Ruth. Ruth obeyed Naomi's will and Boaz obeyed the law to fulfill his obligation. ### Meditation: My Story + **Integrity** - God's grace was realized through Naomi's love, Ruth's obedience, and Boaz's faithfulness. Through me, God's grace may also come to others. What can I learn from Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz's integrity in love, obedience, and faith and apply that to my service to the Lord?


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 4: Bitter to Sweet

### Question What was Ruth's role in God's plan? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + According to Israelite's law and in the presence of the elders, Boaz and another relative decided on Ruth's marriage. Boaz married Ruth by faith just as Ruth followed Naomi by faith. + Naomi gained an heir who eventually became the ancestor of King David of Israel. Her bitterness turned into sweetness. + God's promises to His people never change. Even a Moabite woman had become an important part of His salvation plan. ### Meditation: My Story + **Fidelity** - The relative who was closer to Naomi than Boaz was not willing to marry Ruth because "I might endanger my own estate." This was because Ruth's future son would not be under his name and yet inherit the land he would redeem. So, he would rather not take on the responsibility of redeeming and gave it to Boaz in order to protect his own interest. Although Ruth's child became Naomi's son and named under Elimelek, Boaz's name was the one recorded in Jesus' genealogy: "Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth" (Ruth 4:21, Matthew 1:5). Contrasting to the relative who held on to his own estate, Boaz was willing to give up his but was rewarded the greatest blessing. How does Boaz's selfless and faithful service remind me?


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 5: Awaiting Holy Spirit

### Question How did the disciples follow the commands Jesus gave before He was risen into heaven? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Jesus instructed the disciples to wait in Jerusalem to be baptized by the Holy Spirit. + The disciples selected new apostle to replace Judas. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - As Jesus left the disciples, they prayed and waited for the Holy Spirit. Do I seek for God's guidance and direction while waiting? + **Integrity** - The first thing came to the disciples' minds, when they realized Jesus' authority in resurrection, was their own desire for the kingdom of Israel instead of the will of Jesus. This is a great reminder for myself: do not be limited by my own limited mind but seek God's will!


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 6: Holy Spirit Filled

### Question + How did the Holy Spirit raise the first church? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The Holy Spirit filled the apostles to enable them to speak in tongues of different native languages of the crowds declaring God's wonders. + Peter addressed the crowds that Jesus is the Messiah. + About three thousand heard and accepted his message were baptized and added to their number that day. ### Meditation: My Story + **Integrity** - Would I feel being cut to the heart and come to God to ask for forgiveness if someone spoke of my past sins, whether intentionally or not? We all need someone who can point out our spiritual weaknesses. More importantly, we need to listen to Holy Spirit's guidance. + **Fidelity** - Peter said: "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation." We would not turn a blind eye to the unbelievers if we understand from bottom of our hearts the corruptness. Do I truly understand the corrupt generation I'm in?


Notes and Responses

Week 35 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

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