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Weekly Guide:Week 25

July 15, 2018

Week 25 Day 1: Jesus Sent Disciples


We continue the reading on the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament this week.

The beginning of Matthew has shown us that the plan of Gospel is a covenant between God and man. The light that came to redeem the mankind has already arrived through the birth of Christ Jesus, the Messiah. All kinds of people from different background, social status, race, and gender (women were rarely mentioned in Jewish society) were included in Jesus’ genealogy and were equally reflected in the Gospel of Matthew. From the morally disreputable Tamar and Rahab, we can see that salvation is for all sinners. From the Moabite Ruth and the Canaanite Rahab, we can see that Gospel is for all races and groups. God uses each and every one of us to bring forth His wills no matter how insignificant or scorned we might be. God’s people unite in Christ Jesus beyond ethnicity, social standing, culture background.

May our Lord’s word renew you all each day!


What did Jesus commission the twelve disciples to do?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 2: Lord of Sabbath


How did Jesus reveal his identify through answering John and Pharisees?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 3: Mysteries of Heaven


What were the parables Jesus used to explain the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 4: Son of God


What made those on the boat see Jesus as the Son of God?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 5: Image of God


How did Peter come to know Jesus’ true identity?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 6: People of God


To be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven whom should one become?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

Scripture Reading


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 3: Faithfulness and Blessings

### Question How did God display His faithfulness and blessings after He struck down on the Israelites? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Right after God struck down on the Israelites in chapter 14, He gave Moses the regulations on offerings when they went into the promised land. It can be seen clearly here that God was faithful to His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. + Anyone, whether an individual or a community, must atone with offerings when sinned unintentionally then God would forgive. However, anyone, an individual or the community, would be punished when sinned with intention. Both the rebellious Israelites in the prior chapter and the Sabbath breakers in this chapter were intentional sinners. + Israelite community and the foreigners residing among them all need to worship God, make the same offerings, and receive the same blessings or punishments. God is the God for all people. + God commanded Israelites to put tassels on their garments to remember God's commands. ### Meditation: My Story + **Integrity** - God treats intentional sins different from unintentional ones. God sees the Gentiles the same as the Jews. What do I learn from this truth about God's sovereignty and attributes? How does it remind me and encourage me? + **Integrity** - God put tassels on the Israelites' garments to remind them His commands and not to follow their own sinful wills. Is there anything I can use to remind myself of God's word and stay away from the worldly filth?


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 1: The Priests Ordained

### Question How are God's priests ordained? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The second part of the Book of Leviticus. Records the regulations on ordination of the priests and their service. Chapter 8 and 9 are about Aaron and his sons being ordained as well as the first offering. + Everything followed God's regulation when Aaron was ordained. + God showed His glory and His fire consumed the offering when Aaron the high priest completed the first offering. The people shouted for joy as God was pleased. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - The process of ordaining the high priest is long and complex. The high priest needs to be cleaned, consecrated, wait for 7 days and makes a sin offering for himself before he can serve. Nowadays, Jesus Christ is our high priest. What are the differences between Aaron and Jesus Christ? How does this help me understand the salvation of Jesus Christ? + **Identity** - The people shouted with joy when they saw God was pleased with Aaron's offering. This shows that God had accepted Aaron as high priest. God showed His pleasure numerous times when Jesus came to earth in the New Testament. Pray to God to help us shout in joy with Jesus Christ's offering!


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 2: The Priests Sinned

### Question How important are the responsibilities of priests in God's eyes? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Not long after Arron and his sons Nadab and Abihu served as high priest and priests, the two sons were killed as they did not obey God's command. The priest's responsibilities are to obey what God commands and not do anything God did not command. The holiness of God cannot be taken lightly. + God's priests need to focus completely on Him. They cannot drink wine and lose self-control. This is so that they can set apart the holy from unholy, the clean from unclean, and teach the people. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - We are royal priests chosen by God. God wants us to be holy because He is holy. What does Nadab and Abihu's incident tell me about being holy? + **Identity** - It must have been extremely shocking and painfully sad for Aaron that his two sons were killed on the job. Yet, Aaron "remained silent." Moses was satisfied with Aaron's explanation when he was angry with Aaron's remaining sons for not eating the sacrificial meat. This indicated Aaron's attitude was pleasing to God. Think about Aaron and what he said. What satisfied Moses? + **Community** - Moses commanded Aaron's relatives and all Israelites to mourn for Nadab and Abihu while Aaron and his sons must keep proper attire and remain on the post. What should our attitude be when fellow Christians or Christian leaders have sinned? What does Moses' command remind me of?


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 3: Regulations on Cleanliness

### Question What cleanliness is acceptable to God? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The requirements for cleanliness regarding food and childbirth. + Key verses, 11:44-45: "I am the Lord your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy. Do not make yourselves unclean by any creature that moves along the ground. I am the Lord, who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God; therefore be holy, because I am holy." + These regulations helped Israelites their sanitation and health after the formation of their nation. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - These regulations are not applicable today and we don't need to follow to the letters. However, it is important to note that the fine details of these regulations were God's way to help the Israelites differentiate what was pleasing to God and what was not. In today's world, how do I differentiate the right and wrong with the help of God's word? + **Integrity** - God said to the Israelites, "Be holy, because I am holy", "I am the Lord, who brought you up out of Egypt." God still wants us to be holy today because He who brought us out into light from darkness is holy. He does not want us to isolate ourselves to stay away from the unclean. So, how do I ask God for the wisdom to keep me clean and be holy?


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 4: Care of Skin

### Question What were the regulations on taking care of the Israelites' skin? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Continued with regulations to keep Israelites holy in order to worship God. + Skin diseases such as the horrible leprosy are easily transmitted. The priests took great care when examining skin diseases. Anyone contracted skin diseases needed to go through a long and elaborative cleansing and offering process. + Israelites not only had to keep their skins clean, their clothes and houses also needed the same attention. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Transmittable skin diseases such as leprosy often being assimilated to man's sin. Cleansing and offering are assimilated to reconciling with God. Putting blood on ear lobe, hand, toe, and thumb are likened to the consecration of the priests. Jesus had already redeemed us through His blood and completely satisfied all necessary cleansing and offering. His sacrifice was complete and perfect. Let me pray and thank Him for everything He had done for me. + **Integrity** - The source of skin diseases is not limited to skin but the cloth we wear and the house we live in, as well. Same can be said about sin. It may come from anything around us. How does the cleansing process in these two chapters remind me?


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 5: Day of Atonement

### Question What are the other regulations to keep the Israelites holy? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + More regulations to keep the Israelites holy so they may worship God. + Chapter 15 is about bodily discharges. It was aimed to keep the Israelites "separate from things that make them unclean." This is so that "they will not die in their uncleanness for defiling my dwelling place." + Chapter 16 is the regulation for the Day of Atonement. During this day, all Israelites need to keep sabbath, deny themselves, cleanse, and atone for all their sins. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - All offerings and cleansing were to help the Israelites to become a nation of holiness. It was to separate them from the unclean. The holy God promised to walk with me and asks me to be holy. What does this remind me? + **Integrity** - God established the annual Day of Atonement. Israelites could restart from a new beginning with their sins forgiven. But this did not mean that they could take their sins lightly. My sins were forgiven because of Jesus Christ. How do I view my own sins?


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Week 25 Day 6: Holiness of Conduct

### Question What behaviors does God forbid? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + God told the Israelites that in order to be holy, they need to behave holy. + Chapter 17 was about blood. Blood is holy. In the covenant God made with Noah, animal's meats were edible "but you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it" (Genesis 9:4) "for the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar." (Leviticus 17:11) + Chapter 18 is about adultery. Marriage is holy. "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral." (Hebrews 13:4) God warned the Israelites not to defile themselves by conforming to the unclean culture of the Canaanite in the land they were to enter. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - God said, "For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar." The blood of animal can only clean a man's sins temporary. Only Jesus Christ's blood can cleanse forever. We have to atone our sins in front of God in order to receive the cleansing blood. How should I live to show my respect to Jesus' precious blood? + **Community** - God established marriage and we all need to respect that and keep it holy. God warned Israelites not to conform to the Canaanites. Nowadays, marriage is currently being attacked from all fronts in the world we live in. How do I keep myself holy within my marriage and not conform to the society?


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

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Week 25 Day 1: Protest and Complaint

### Question How did God look after His faithful servant when people complained and talked against Him? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Israelites started their complaints again just three days out of Sinai. This angered God and burned some of them until Moses prayed for them. + God was angered again when Israelites craved for other food. Moses pleaded to God. God brought up people to help Moses and sent plague to the Israelites to cut off the greedy. + Aaron and Mariam talked against Moses due to their jealousy. The Lord came down to fault them. Miriam contracted leprosy had to leave camp for 7 days. Aaron atoned and pleaded for Miriam immediately. + God values His faithful servant. God strengthens him when he is tired, avenges for him when he is wronged. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Like they were at the foothill of Mount Sinai, the Israelites complained just three days out of Sinai. There are always ups and downs in our spiritual lives. How does the lesson for Israelites help me? + **Community** - Aaron atoned and pleaded for Miriam. Moses did so for Aaron and Miriam, too. Am I willing to forgive others? Am I willing to pray for them? + **Integrity** - Bible said the rabble craved other foods. Am I a rabble in my spiritual life? Do the medias influence my thoughts? Can I turn to God's word to block out the bad influences? + **Integrity** - It is not a display of lack of faith when Moses was tired and prayed to God. God helped him and avenged for him. Am I being wronged by others? Do not worry, pray and let God be the judge.


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 2: Of Little Faith

### Question What happened when Israelites had little faith in God and believed the scouts' bad news? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Scouts were sent out when the Israelites came to the land of Canaan. Israelites believed the exaggerated report from the scouts and were afraid of the people there. They didn't want to follow Moses, Aaron, Caleb, Joshua and wanted to turn back to Egypt. They rebelled against God. + God suggested to destroy the contemptuous people. God promised descendants of Moses to become a great nation, they must enter the land. God was merciful as Moses pleaded for them but added that they must pay the price for their disobedience. Thus, no one in that generation except Caleb and Joshua were allowed to enter the promised land. + Israelites became bitter and went ahead without God's permission. They were completely defeated as result. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - It can be seen from Moses's prayers that he knew God's attributes. And, that his prayers were to glorify God. Can I pray like him? + **Fidelity** - Where in the scripture displayed the faith that gave Caleb and Joshua the will to advance into Canaan? What reports from the scouts were requested by Moses? What weren't? What caused them to report the bad news and oppose to Caleb and Joshua's strong faith by exaggerating their views? Is there anything I need to change in my service to the Lord?


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 4: Korah in Mutiny

### Question Who established Aaron's priesthood that Korah challenged? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Korah, a descendant of Levi, led some Israelites to challenge Moses for the appointment of Aaron and his descendant's priesthood. Moses asked them to come in front of God and be tested with fire. God brought about something totally new to destroy Korah and everyone and everything associated with him. + The day after Korah's incident the whole Israelite community grumbled against Moses and Aaron. They blamed Moses and Aaron for the death of Korah and associates. God was angry and brought plague to the people. Moses ordered Aaron to atone for the Israelites in between the living and the dead. The plague stopped. + God commanded Moses to get 12 staffs from the leaders of the tribes. With their names on the staff and place in front of the ark of covenant law. The staff from Levi with Aaron's name was the only one that sprouted, budded, blossomed, and produced almonds. God used this to show the people that it was His will the Levites were chosen. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Aaron was established by God as high priest and no one can substitute for him. Likewise, no one can substitute for Lord Jesus Christ! The Israelites approached God only through Aaron and his descendants. Today, everyone can approach God through Jesus Christ. Am I approaching God through my own means? + **Fidelity** - Aaron stood in between the living and the dead to atone for them. Do I live for my own benefit or do I pray for others?


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 5: Levites and Priests

### Question What were the duties of the Levites and the priests? What were they to receive from the offerings? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Verses 18:1-7 is the answer God gave to Aaron for the question the Israelites asked in 17:12-13. The priests and the Levites are to bear the anger from God so people won't die. Priesthood is a gift from God to the priests and also a gift to all people. + God gave the Levites a tenth of the offerings the Israelites produced. The tenth of that was given to Aaron and the priests. + Chapter 19 dealt with those who became unclean from the plague in chapter 16. Due to the large number of people affected, God gave them cleansing water to clean quickly and effectively. ### Meditation: My Story + **Fidelity** - Korah saw only the benefits but not the responsibilities. Do I look at my service to the Lord for my own glory or as God given responsibilities?


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 6: End of Wandering

### Question What did the Israelites experience when they came back to Kadesh in the final year of wandering? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The last year of wandering in the desert. The Israelites came back to Kadesh where they rebelled against God's will and refused to go into the land of Canaan. + Israelites complained again as their fathers did. Moses did not give glory to God and was denied entry into the promised land. Miriam and Aaron passed away. + Edom denied Israelite's passage on the eastern shore of Jordan River. God forbit them to wage war against the Edom so the Israelites were forced to go on the tough trek around Edom. Israelites complained again and God punished them with venomous snakes. Moses pleaded to God. God commanded Moses to make a bronze snake and raise it up. Anyone looked up to the snake was saved. This foretold the coming of the Christ (John 3:13-14). + Contrasting with man's unfaithfulness and complaints, God faithfully lead the Israelites to the promised land. ### Meditation: My Story + **Fidelity** - Moses sinned by not giving glory to God. Even though Moses had done many great things, God did not let it pass. God denied Moses as he pleaded to let him go into the promised land. Analogous to increased responsibilities for the priests serving in the tent of meeting, we must become more alert as we get closer to God. Will I ever take lightly God's holiness in my journey with Him? + **Walking with God** - Sin repeats itself from generations to generations. The bronze snake cannot remove all sins from man, but Jesus can. Raising of the bronze snake foretold the salvation of Christ. Pray and thank Jesus for His forgiveness and salvation.


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

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Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 1: Saul the Anointed

### Question What "steps" did Saul go through being anointed? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Samuel followed God's will to anoint Saul and gave him three signs. + Samuel casted lots to elect Saul, but some despised him. + Saul defeated the Ammonites, delivered Jabesh-gilead, to prove himself and finally being accepted by people as king. + Samuel addressed the people one last time to obey God's will even as they have done all that evil, must turn to the Lord and serve the Lord with all their heart, and the Lord will not forsake them. As for Samuel, he himself will continue to pray for them and instruct them in the good and the right way. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - God elected and anointed Saul before the people. It was God's will for Saul even though the people acted wickedly. What can I learn from Saul's anointment about those who have authorities (even if they are wicked) in the world? + **Walking with God** - Saul was transformed because of the spirit of the Lord. Think about the three signs and Saul's transformation. What have I learned about God's work? + **Integrity** - What characters did Samuel display from his farewell address. Let me list out these characters. What can I see from the way he served the Lord and God's people? What did he see about himself?


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 2: Saul the Sinned

### Question In what aspects did Saul disobey God's will? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Saul made offering by himself in Gilgal for he couldn't wait for Samuel nor the Lord. Samuel told Saul because he did not keep the Lord's command, that his kingdom shall not continue, and the Lord had sought out another man after His own heart to be king. + Saul laid an oath on his people to continue fighting without any food and caused all people to break the vow. After the people had broken the vow, Saul did not repent but tried to cover it up. When God did not answer his inquiry, Saul casted lots to find the offender but was ransomed by the people. + God used Jonathan to save the Israelites with a small number of them from the hands of stronger Philistines. Jonathan cared about the people's wellbeing. When he was picked out by lots, the people ransomed him because they could see that he was with God in saving them. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Saul seemed to try to turn back to God. He brought alone Eli's son as high priest as well as the ark of the Covenant. Then he laid an oath on his people to not eat until he had avenged on his enemies which caused the people to break the vow and offended the Lord. Saul then built an altar, listened to the priest to inquire of the Lord on the next step. Saul again offended the Lord when he could not wait for the Lord's answer but to find and punish the offender. What was his motivation? What was his attitude toward God? What have I learned from all this? Have I done similar things like Saul in my daily life? + **Integrity** - Started with things that seemed small and negligible, Saul began to stray away from God. He had no patience to wait for God, used God as a tool to accomplish his own will, pushing aside of the responsibilities. Compare to Jonathan's reliance of God and the witness from the people, what have I learned to apply to my daily live? What was the root cause of Saul's wrong choices, straying away from God, and being rejected by God?


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 3: Saul the Rejected

### Question What is pleasing to God? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Through Samuel, God commanded Saul to strike and destroy all the Amalekites. But Saul did not follow through and spared the Amalekite king as well as all the best sheep, oxen, fattened calves and lambs, and all things that were good. + God regret (was sorry - NLV) that He had made Saul king because Saul turned away from Him. + Saul maintained that he followed God's will when faced Samuel; When reproached by Samuel, Saul claimed it was the people's idea to spare the best things for offering; Saul finally admitted of his sin that it was caused by his fear of people; Saul asked Samuel to stay to honor him in front of the people when he learned that God's will would not change. + Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - No matter what excuses Saul had, Samuel told him that God's command was not followed on striking the Amalekites. What does God want from us in following His commands? God wants us to love Him with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind. We cannot serve both God and money or idols just like He wanted Saul to "destroy" them all. Am I making the same mistake as Saul did? + **Identity** - He wasn't lying when Saul said: "I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and your words, because I feared the people and obeyed their voice." Do I also fear people of the world, both willingly and unwillingly, more than fear God and disobey God? What do I fear in things around me? God is greater than anyone and anything that we might fear.


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 4: David being Anointed

### Question Why did the Lord elect David as king of Israel? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + God sent Samuel to Bethlehem to anoint a new king. + The Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. + The Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and a harmful spirit from the Lord tormented him. Saul's servant suggested to have David play lyre for Saul to refresh him to make him well. + The Philistines and the Israelites went to war, David relied on God to defeat Goliath; The Israelites defeated the Philistines and plundered Philistine camp; David now entered the sights of Saul and the Israelites. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - The Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks in the heart. What is the heart that is pleasing to God according to the words Samuel said to Saul? (vs. 15:22-23) How Samuel's words were reflected in what David said and acted when he defeated Goliath? How shall I make my heart pleasing to God? + **Integrity** - What was David's focus in his speech and action when defeating Goliath? What was he relying on? Did he know his mission? How may I defeat the tall and seemingly undefeatable giants in my life I'd inevitably meet?


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 5: Jealousy over David

### Question Why was Saul afraid and wanted to kill David? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and they became good friends. David was successful in battles that Saul set him over the men of war and he was good in the sight of all the people. + The Israelites welcomed David's return from victory, the women sang joyful songs "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands." This brought out the jealousy in Saul. + Saul was afraid of David as God was with David but departed from Saul. He tried to kill David secretly but never succeeded. David was loved by people even more, including Saul's son Jonathan and daughter Michal. + Jonathan advised Saul and he listened but soon changed. Michal help David to escape to Samuel. Saul sent people to go after David and later went but they were all stopped by the spirit of God. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - David escaped Saul's many attempts to kill him. What have I learned from this where God protected David and His own servants so that Saul would not succeed? When Saul could not see God's work and saw only the worldly power, his spiritual eyes went blind. Am I busy going after the worldly things such as money and unable to see what God is doing? Let me pray to the Lord to help me to put my eyes on Him. + **Community** - Compare Jonathan's encouragement to Michal's deceit for David. What were the differences even though both came out of love for David? What is the God pleasing relationship between Christians?


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 6: David in Exile

### Question What is the real reason behind Saul's fear for David? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + David met Jonathan and through him reaffirmed Saul's attempt to kill David. + Jonathan and David made a covenant to bring their families together through their friendship. + David began his life as an exile. For his own safety, David lied to the priest and cause the death of the entire town of priests. He pretended to be insane in front of the Philistines and got kicked out. ### Meditation: My Story + **Integrity** - The friendship between Jonathan and David faced great challenge. David accused Jonathan of knowing Saul's will. How did Jonathan answer David's accusation? Being a prince, how was Jonathan's integrity reflected in his reaction to David? It can be seen that Jonathan knew God's will from the covenant between him and David. What choice did Jonathan make? + **Integrity** - David had little help and was surrounded by enemies in the early days of his exile. David was not without weakness. Why did David lie to the priest and pretend to be insane in front of the Philistines? Read Psalms 34 and 55 to get a taste of what David experienced when he was weak and how leaned on God.


Notes and Responses

Week 25 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

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