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Weekly Guide:Week 15

May 06, 2018


We are about to walk out of the desert! This week we’ll complete the reading on the Book of Numbers and continue into the Book of Deuteronomy. The reading gives the account of the preparations and commands God gave Israelites before they went into the promised land.

May our Lord bless and renew you all with His word every day!

Week 15 Day 1: Daily Offerings


What were the Israelites’ offerings in the entire year?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 2: War with Midianite


How did the Israelites divide up the plunders and spoils from the war?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 3: Land of Wandering


What should the Israelites’ life be like when they arrive at the promised land?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 4: Boundaries of Canaan


How should the Israelites have lived in the promised land?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 5: Inheritance


How did God ensure the land of those who has no son will not go to other tribes?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 6: Failure of Rebellion


Why did the previous generation of Israelites fail to enter the promised land 40 years ago?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

Scripture Reading


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 1: Explain the Truth

### Question How did Paul testify for the truth in front of King Agrippa? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Paul was granted appeal to Caesar. + King Agrippa acknowledged Paul's innocence. ### Meditation: My Story + **Fidelity** - Paul explained with the truth, not seeking excuses, whether in front of King Agrippa or Festus. When rebuked while I'm preaching, can I stick to the truth? + **Fidelity** - Paul would have been released by King Agrippa if he hadn't repealed to Caesar. However, Paul's intention was to proclaim gospel in Rome, not his personal freedom. What is my priority when I weigh the pros and cons, my personal benefit or God's commission?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 2: Disaster at Sea

### Question What did Paul encounter on the way to Rome? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Angel told Paul that all on the ship would be saved. + Protected by God, Paul was not harmed b snake's bite. + Arrived in Rome. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Seeing what God has revealed to Paul, we often moan in not hearing from God. However, we frequently forget that we rarely walk in God's presence and we seldom put our faith completely in Him. I shall examine myself regularly to ensure that I'm walking on His path and making His commission as my mission. + **Integrity** - Paul relied on God when surrounded by troubles as he said in Philippians 4:13, I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Am I still trying to overcome difficulties by my own strength? Do I have faith in God alone and am willing to let Him take control and follow Him whole heartedly? + **Integrity** - Julius is a Roman centurion responsible to transfer Paul to Rome. His treatment to Paul was unusual as he was lenient to Paul (27:3) and later saved Paul's live (27:43). What caused Julius to do these to Paul? Does my life's integrity show through that others may see?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 3: Proclaim with Boldness

### Question How did Paul continue to proclaim gospel after he had arrived in Rome? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The Roman Jews were willing to hear the gospel knowing the Christian faith was slandered everywhere. + Salvation went to the Gentiles as some Jews believed while some were blinded and did not believe. + Paul proclaimed the Kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness. ### Meditation: My Story + **Integrity** - Long time believers may become laxed, slackened, and satisfied for merely being saved. In drilling down to the root cause, we might find blinded hearts. Have I laxed on my way to sanctification? Has the world deceived me from God's truth? + **Fidelity** - Paul did not give up on those who were blinded. Rather, he welcomed all who came to see him and proclaimed the Kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ. Have I ever given up testifying for God because few ever believed me?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 4: In the Beginning

### Question Where did the universe come from? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Chapter 1 to chapter 2 verse 3 is the beginning of the Book of Genesis. It is prelude to the entire Bible. + God create the world with His word. All was good and He created man and woman from His image; He rested on the 7th day and made that day Holy. ### Meditation: My Story + Walk with God - How does understanding that all things in the world are created by God's word helps me to know the power of His word? Do I doubt the power of His word in transforming my own life? + **Identity** - How does it help to know my own value and worth, knowing that God created me with His own image?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 5: Ancestor of Man

### Question How did the man live when God created the world? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Genesis 2:4-4:26 is the first of the ten segments of Adam and Eve's family history. + God created man and put him in the Garden of Eden. God also made Eve out of Adam's rib for them to help each other and become one (2:4-25); The serpent deceived man and caused him to be separated from God (3:1-24); Man's downfall continued with Cain's murder of his brother Abel to Lamech's arrogance. Only then, people began to call on the name of the Lord (4:1-26.) ### Meditation: My Story + **Integrity** - What does the downfall of Adam and Eve tell me? Am I doing things not to God's liking due to my own pride and desire? + **Identity** - Am I willing to call on God's name and face my own heart?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 6: The Seth Family

### Question How was the relationship between Adam and Eve's offspring and God developed? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The second segment of Adam and Eve's Family history is the account their other son, Seth and his family. + Seth had Adam's image; Adam died; Enoch walked faithfully with God; Noah "He will comfort us in the labor and painful toil of our hands..."; Because of their wickedness, God "...will wipe from the face of the earth ... the human race ..." But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. + Contrast with Cain's family. ### Meditation: My Story + Walk with God - Am I like Enoch, pray and live by God's word? What is impeding me to walk with God? + **Integrity** - How much of my thoughts are good? Are evil? How can I keep my thoughts good and pure?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

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Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 1: Sons of Ishmael

### Question Does God's promise ever fail? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Ishmael's descendants. God's promise is never unfulfilled. + As God has promised, Ishmael became the father of 12 tribes. ### Meditation: My Story + **Fidelity** - Ishmael was conceived by human will. Although he was not the chosen son but God still blessed him. Ishmael was the ancestor of the Arabs today. How should I treat the descendants of Ishmael?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 2: House of Isaac

### Question How did the chosen son continue with his life? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The eighth segment of the family story. The House of Isaac, the chosen son of God. The birth of the two sons of Isaac and their struggle. + Rebekah gave birth to twin sons for Isaac. According to God's promise, the second son Jacob was going to be stronger than the first son Esau. Jacob bought the birthright of the first born from Esau with red stew. Esau despised his birthright. Isaac stayed in Gerar of Philistine according to God's will. Isaac lied about Rebekah as his sister. Isaac was asked to leave because he had gotten too powerful. Isaac backed down from the disputes of the wells. God led him to a vast land. Philistine made treaty with Isaac. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Although Jacob took seriously God's promise, he chose to take matter into his own hands to gain the birthright by fraudulent means and caused family tension. Am I pursuing God's promise by my own way? How should I seek blessings from God? + **Community** - Jacob chose peace in the dispute of the well and God led him to a vast land. Am I facing similar situations? Can I find peaceful resolutions? + **Integrity** - Isaac lied as Abraham did for his own safety. This might have been a trait passed down from father to son. Am I passing down the sinful traits to my descendants when I'm building my own family and bringing up my children? Ask God to help me repent and to purify me.


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 3: Jacob in Exile

### Question How did God's promise and blessings continue? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Jacob got Isaac's blessing through deception and fled. + Isaac wanted to bless Esau but was old and had no clear vision. Rebekah helped Jacob to deceive Isaac and gotten the blessing that was meant for Esau. Esau was mad and wanted to kill Jacob. Jacob followed his parents' will and fled to Laban. Isaac blessed Jacob before he left and reaffirmed the covenant God has made with him. Jacob met God and prayed to Him. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Jacob pursued God's blessing not His presence. God found Jacob instead and changed his life. Do I prioritize God's blessing over His presence? Pray to God to help me know him and follow him, one step at a time. + **Integrity** - Although Isaac loved Esau more than Jacob, he obeyed God to bless Jacob when he learned His will. Obedience was a standout character of Isaac. Have I ever disobeyed God? How does Isaac's example remind and help me to be obedient?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 4: House of Jacob

### Question How did Jacob's descendants increase as God promised? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The story of Jacob's 12 sons, the ancestor of the Israel's 12 tribes. + Jacob started off from where He met God and went to stay with his uncle Laban. Laban tricked Jacob to marry Leah. God blessed Jacob with increased wealth and offspring. + Even with trickery, people cannot change God's promise. God always faithfully lead those who lean on Him, however sinful they might be, onto the righteous path. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Leah was not as pretty as her sister and wasn't loved as much by her husband. But God blessed Leah and she moved her focus from her husband to God. What does this remind me of? Where's my value and what is my worth? + Walk with God - Jacob learned a lot about God and grew in faith during the 12 years he worked for Laban. Have I ever been treated unfairly in my own job and life? How did God lead me to know Him deeper? How did my relationship with God grow in prayer?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 5: Wrestle with God

### Question How did God transform Jacob, the son of promise? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Jacob's transformation and meeting with Esau. + Jacob was full of fear as he went toward home. But God wrestled with him and transformed him. God changed Jacob's name to Israel and he reconciled with his brother Esau. + God changes people when they lose all hopes. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Jacob tried to reconcile with Esau through his own way. But was full of fear when he heard Esau had come with 400 people. He tried to hold onto God under this desperate situation and God removed Jacob's power, changed and blessed him. Under what kind of situations do I try to hold onto God? How does God bless me? Think back and remember what God has done for me. Have I grown to know Him more? + **Integrity** - Jacob's life had changed completely after this. He became humble and submissive when met with Esau. How did God change my life through my experiences?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 6: Sons of Jacob

### Question What became of Jacob and his family? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The character of Jacob's sons and death of Jacob. + Jacob's daughter Dinah was defiled by Shechem when she went visit the women of the land. Her brothers deceived and killed all Shechem's men while they were still in pain, looted their city, took their women and children. This horrific act put Jacob's family in great danger. Jacob listened to God to purify his entire family and moved back to Bethel. + God wants to set apart His people from the world. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Dinah put herself in danger. Her brothers caused much suffering through their fleshly rage and revenge. Jacob saw his inadequacy in leading his family. He therefore followed God's will and purified his entire family to serve only the one true God. How does this story remind me of my own responsibilities in raising my family?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

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Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 1: The Daily Offerings

### Question What were the Israelites' offerings in an entire year? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The day of Moses' passing was getting closer. God commanded him to pass on the honor of leading the Israelites to Joshua. God commanded Moses to pass on the regulations on the offerings for each day, each sabbath, beginning of each month, and each festival. This was to prepare the Israelites for the worship centered life under the leadership of Joshua and high priest Elijah when they entered the promised land. + These were the minimum offerings required of the Israelites in addition to the voluntary offerings for sin, cleansing, etc. + These two chapters record the details of the materials for offerings. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Priests presented burnt offerings each morning. Do I have a God centered life? Am I presenting the best of me and everything I do to God? + **Walking with God** - Priests have a lot of tasks on their hands. Their works doubled on each sabbath when the rest of the community didn't work. Matthew 12:5, the priests on Sabbath duty in the temple desecrate the Sabbath and yet are innocent. No work is allowed during sabbath and many other festivals so that we may worship God with our full attention. Have I been ignorant about those days that are set apart for worshiping?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 2: War with Midianite

### Question How did the Israelites divide up the plunders and spoils from the war? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Numbers chapter 30 is the regulation for woman who took vows. Her father before she marries or husband after she marries are responsible for her spiritual direction and protection. + Numbers chapter 31 documents the holy war against the Midianites in the plains of Moab. God destroyed the Midianites for they deceived Israelites to cause them to separate from God. Balaam who planned the deception was killed in the war. Israelites had a complete victory and lost not a single life. Israelites followed God's direction regarding the captives, cleansing of those who touched the dead, offerings, plunders and spoils of the war. This set a precedence for the wars after the Israelites have entered the land of Canaan. ### Meditation: My Story + **Community** - God gave fathers and husbands great responsibilities to protect their daughters and wives. For daughters and wives, they must obey and follow the spiritual leadership from their fathers and husbands. As a father or husband, what will from God have I learned for teaching or guiding my daughter or wife? How have I applied it to my life? + **Identity** - Israelites did not lose one life in the war with the Midianites. God gave them special commands for cleansing themselves from the captives and spoils. What do the protection and requirements God gave Israelites for the war remind me of in the spiritual wars that I often face?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 3: Land of Wandering

### Question What should the Israelites' life be like when they arrive at the promised land? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + In Numbers chapter 32, the Gadites, Reubenites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh had their eyes on the land to the east of Jordan river. They promised Moses that they would help the rest of the Israelites enter the promised land first. They saw the land was fertile and suitable for grazing, wanted to settle down quickly. Later, due to the lack of natural barriers, they were the first to be captured and occupied by the Assyrian before the entire nation of Israel fell. + Faithfully following God's command, Moses documented the 40 encampment sites during the 40 years of wandering in Numbers chapter 33. + God commanded Israelites to drive out the idol worshiping people to end idolatry from the promised land. He also commanded the tribes to distribute the land by lot according to their sizes. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Gadites, Reubenites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh choose the land by the value seen in their own eyes. But they never expected the disaster to follow. Are there things in my life that are valuable to the eyes of the world but not pleasing to God? + **Integrity** - When victory was in sight, God commanded the Israelites not to relax allowing idolatry to corrupt their hearts once they enter the promised land. Entering the promised land does not make an end to the journey of faith. While I enjoy many freedoms and privileges in my faith today, how can I remind myself to stay vigilant?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 4: Boundaries of Canaan

### Question How the Israelites should have lived in the promised land? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + God gave Israelites the boundaries of the promised land and selected leaders, one from each of the 9 and half tribes. They followed the leadership of Joshua and high priest Elijah to distribute the land. + In Numbers 35, God gave the regulations on establishing towns. God also established the cities of refuge for those who have killed someone by accident as their places of refuge. This was to keep them away from the avengers to prevent endless revenge killings that would defile the promised land. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - It is God's grace to establish cities of refuge for those who killed unintentionally to ensure proper trials. Sins of blood can only be cleansed with blood. Those who fled to the cities of refuge must wait for the death of the high priest. The blood of Jesus Christ has forgiven all our sins, intentional or not. He is the city of refuge for all God's people. Let me atone in front Jesus and pray to Him to release me from my sins, to give me protection and freedom in Him. + **Identity** - God's promise to Abraham was about to be realized! God kept His promise through 40 years of continuing complaints and rebellions from the Israelites. Even today, His promises to His people have not changed. What encouragements do I receive and how do I value myself with the promises He has given to me?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 5: Security of Inheritance

### Question How did God ensure the land of those who has no son will not go to other tribes? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + With God's permission, the daughters of son-less Zelophehad inherited his land. The family heads now faced a new problem. Namely, a tribe's land may go to other tribes in the Year of Jubilee if daughters with inheritances marry men from other tribes. Therefore, by God's command, Moses ordered: "They may marry anyone they please as long as they marry within their father's tribal clan." The daughters obeyed. ### Meditation: My Story + **Community** - Zelophehad's daughters obeyed all God's commands. These daughters not only cared for themselves but also their father's property. God's children should look after not just themselves. Do I follow any of the world's viewpoints but against God's? What can I do to care for the church and fellow Christians?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 6: Failure of Rebellion

### Question Why did the previous generation of Israelites fail to enter the promised land 40 years ago? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The new generation of Israelites who have not reached 20 or yet to be born at the time of exodus from Egypt, have now finally reached the plains of Moab across the Jordan river from the promised land after 40 years of wandering journey. The Book of Deuteronomy documents the last days of Moses where he followed God's command to reiterate the laws and regulations so that they "fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to observe the Lord's commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good." (Deu. 10:12-13) + Deuteronomy 1:1-4:43 reflects on the past 40 years of Israelite's history. + Chapter 1 reflects on the event 40 years ago when the previous generation of Israelites forgot God's protection and the miracles God performed for them. They rebelled against God for their lack of faith in God and the fear of the large and powerful descendants of Anak. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Israelites spent 40 years wandering on a journey that could have been completed in 11 days. It wasn't the geographical distance but their lack of faith kept them from reaching the promised land. The distance to God's wonderful promise is probably a lot closer than I think. What do I need to let go of in order to win over my disobedience and to follow God whole heartedly? + Community, Fidelity - In addition to calling the knowledgeable and renowned to become spiritual leaders, God also calls on all to serve and be responsible in all kinds of tasks in church. How am I responding to Him to serve with others as a unified team in His work? How am I letting go of my own agendas and objectives so God can use me fully?


Notes and Responses

Week 15 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

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Notes and Responses