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Weekly Guide:2024-2025 Week 59
February 16, 2025
Week 59 Day 1: The Luster Lost ⇧ ⇩
What change did Jerusalem experience?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
The dignified people of Jerusalem became obscure, the loved became despised, the master became slave, and the merciful became cruel all because of the suffering.
The people of Jerusalem looked for their allies to save them in vain. Their king, the Lord’s anointed, whom they relied on was captured and unable to save himself.
But the Lord’s salvation would come, those who oppress His people would be punished.
Meditation: My Story
- Identity - It was a great challenge to Jerusalem’s identity for what she had experienced. Even though, she held firm believe that by God, the “exile for her sins will end at last.” Where did that faith come from? How does it remind me and help me face the environment and the ever-changing circumstances I’m in?
Notes and Responses
Week 59 Day 2: Plea and Pray ⇧ ⇩
How did the Judah pray to God for mercy?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
Prayers express all the sufferings they experienced in front of the Lord.
Prayers admit all that was the consequence of their sins.
Prayers called on God to turn them around to give them joy they used to have.
Meditation: My Story
- Walking with God - The prayer to call on God was not to remove the suffering but to repent and to turn themselves around. What do I call on God for in my prayer? What should I pray for?
Notes and Responses
Week 59 Day 3: Seeing His Glory ⇧ ⇩
What did Ezekiel saw beside the Chebar Canal?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
The heavens were suddenly opened to Ezekiel and he saw visions from God.
He saw, in this vision, a great storm coming toward him, driving before it a huge cloud glowing with fire, and in the fire there was something that shone like polished brass, from the center of the cloud were four living beings, the sky spreading out above them, and high in the sky above them was what looked like a throne.
On the throne was the glory of the Lord and upon it sat someone who appeared to be a Man. From his waist up, he seemed to be all glowing bronze, dazzling like fire, and there was a glowing halo like a rainbow all around him.
And when he saw it, the prophet fell face downward on the ground.
Meditation: My Story
- Identity - The prophet described to us the glory and the majesty of God and the four living beings following Him closely. How may I join in the Lord’s glory by the precious blood of Jesus Christ? What do I know of my identity and value through Ezekiel’s description of the Lord’s glory?
Notes and Responses
Week 59 Day 4: Appointed the Watchman ⇧ ⇩
What power and responsibility did God give to the prophet?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
The Spirit of the God entered into the prophet, sending him to the rebelling Israelites the message from God. Let anyone listen who wants to, and let anyone refuse who wants to, for they are rebels.
The prophet obeyed God’s command and ate the scroll full of warnings and sorrows and pronouncements of doom to give its message to the people of Israel. It tasted sweet as honey.
Even though the Israelites were hard, impudent, and stubborn, God made the prophet’s forehead hard as rock. Accompanied by the sound of a great earthquake, the Spirit lifted the prophet up and the hand of the Lord was strong upon him.
After the prophet sat, overwhelmed, for seven days, he was appointed by God as a watchman for Israel, to send warnings to the wicked and good man who becomes bad, or the prophet would be responsible for their sins.
Meditation: My Story
- Walking with God - God gave the prophet the power and authority to face the enemies when he answered His calling. Jesus gave us the authority to walk among serpents and scorpions and to crush them (Luke 10:19.) And, whatever doors you lock on earth shall be locked in heaven; and whatever doors you open on earth shall be open in heaven (Matthew 16:19.) From Ezekiel’s experiences, what conviction do I have in the great commission the Lord Jesus had bestowed upon me?
Notes and Responses
Week 59 Day 5: Signs of Punishment ⇧ ⇩
What were Ezekiel’s signs of Jerusalem’s siege?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
God commanded Ezekiel to draw out on a block of clay the siege of Jerusalem as a sign to the people of Israel.
God commanded Ezekiel to lie on his left to put the sin of the people of Israel upon himself and to lie on his right to bear the sin of the people of Judah.
God commanded Ezekiel to make bread for himself, to eat the bread and drink water according to the number of days of he was lying on his sides as a sign that the people would be in anxiety as food and water would be scarce and rationed in Jerusalem.
Meditation: My Story
- Fidelity - Ezekiel’s daily life was under much restriction in order to deliver God’s message. When I testify for the Lord, do I feel being restricted? How do I feel about the price I pay for following God?
Notes and Responses
Week 59 Day 6: Prophesy of Exile ⇧ ⇮
How did God command Ezekiel to prophesy Israel’s exile?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
The Lord commanded Ezekiel to shave his head as an analogy to Jerusalem’s rebellion of God’s laws and decrees.
The Lord commanded Ezekiel to prophesy against the mountains of Israel that His was about to bring a sword against them.
The Lord would spare some, for some of the Israelites would escape the sword when they were scattered among the lands and nations. Those who escape would remember God and repent.
The word of the Lord came to Ezekiel, God would judge against Israel according to her conduct and repay her for all her detestable practices.
Israel made detestable idols in the temple. God would give their wealth as plunder to foreigners and as loot to the wicked of the earth.
God commanded Ezekiel to prepare chains as a sign of Israel’s exile.
Meditation: My Story
- Identity - God judge the people to let them know “their silver and gold will not be able to deliver them, will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs, for it has caused them to stumble into sin.” How do I see my own wealth? How should I make use of my wealth?