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Week 59 Day 3: Seeing His Glory
What did Ezekiel saw beside the Chebar Canal?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
The heavens were suddenly opened to Ezekiel and he saw visions from God.
He saw, in this vision, a great storm coming toward him, driving before it a huge cloud glowing with fire, and in the fire there was something that shone like polished brass, from the center of the cloud were four living beings, the sky spreading out above them, and high in the sky above them was what looked like a throne.
On the throne was the glory of the Lord and upon it sat someone who appeared to be a Man. From his waist up, he seemed to be all glowing bronze, dazzling like fire, and there was a glowing halo like a rainbow all around him.
And when he saw it, the prophet fell face downward on the ground.
Meditation: My Story
- Identity - The prophet described to us the glory and the majesty of God and the four living beings following Him closely. How may I join in the Lord’s glory by the precious blood of Jesus Christ? What do I know of my identity and value through Ezekiel’s description of the Lord’s glory?
Notes and Responses
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