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Weekly Guide:Week 62

March 31, 2019

Week 62 Day 1: Descendants of David


We continue the reading of the Book of First Chronicles this week. May you all be renewed in God’s word each day!


Who were the descendants of David and Solomon?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 2: East of Jordan


What was the history of Israel to the east of the Jordan river?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 3: West of Jordan


Who were the descendants of the tribes to the west of Jordan river?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 4: People in Jerusalem


Who were the Israelites living in Jerusalem?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 5: Death of Saul


What was the reason for Saul’s death?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 6: David became King


How did David become king?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

Scripture Reading


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 1: People in Jerusalem

### Question Who were the Israelites living in Jerusalem? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + A detailed account of the Israelite descendants who were in Jerusalem. + The duties and responsibilities of the Levites in Jerusalem. ### Meditation: My Story + **Fidelity** - This chapter recorded in detail the duties and responsibilities of the Levites for they served God. How does the record help me understand God's attributes and my own heart? How does it help to encourage me to serve faithfully?


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 2: Death of Saul

### Question What was the reason for Saul's death? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The record of Saul and his sons' death. + Saul died because he was unfaithful to the Lord; he did not keep the word of the Lord and even consulted a medium for guidance, and did not inquire of the Lord. So the Lord put him to death and turned the kingdom over to David son of Jesse. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Saul used to pursuit David and became the pursued. God is merciful and just. Man must bear the consequences of his sin if without Jesus' salvation. Let us thank God for His salvation so that we may receive eternal life. + **Integrity** - The First Chronicles used the death of Saul as the starting point of a section in the book. What does that mean to me? Saul's unfaithfulness to the Lord was the cause of his downfall. How does that warn me?


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 3: David became King

### Question How did David become king? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + All Israel came together to David at Hebron to anoint him as king. + David captured the fortress of Zion. + The records of the chiefs of David's mighty warriors-they, together with all Israel, gave his kingship strong support to extend it over the whole land, as the Lord had promised. + The fighting men who volunteered to serve in the ranks came to Hebron fully determined to make David king over all Israel. ### Meditation: My Story + **Community** - The mighty warriors were determined in unity to make David king, and they rejoiced together. How am I serving the Lord with my fellow Christians together in one heart? How am I rejoicing with them in the Lord? + **Fidelity** - David's mighty warriors followed him because the Lord touched their hearts and they saw the David was with the Lord. Has my heart ever been touched by the Lord? How may we bring others to serve with us?


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 4: Become the King

### Question What did David do soon after he became king? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + David conferred with each of his officers and the commanders, to bring back the ark of the Lord. + They moved the ark of God from Abinadab's house on a new cart, with Uzzah and Ahio guiding it. Uzzah reached out his hand to steady the ark, because the oxen stumbled. The Lord struck Uzzah down because he had put his hand on the ark. So he died there before God. + David took the ark to the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite. It remained with the family of Obed-Edom in his house for three months, and the Lord blessed his household and everything he had. + In Jerusalem David took more wives and became the father of more sons and daughters. + The Philistines went up in full force to search for David. David did as God commanded him, and they struck down the Philistine army, all the way from Gibeon to Gezer. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Soon after David became king, he conferred with his officials and commanders to bring the ark back to Jerusalem. What was the reason he did that? (ref. 13:3) What can I learn from him? + **Fidelity** - What was the main reason for David's victory over the Philistines? What does it mean for my service?


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 5: Bringing the Ark

### Question How was the ark of the Lord brought to Jerusalem? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + After David had constructed buildings for himself in the City of David, he prepared a place for the ark of God and pitched a tent for it. + David summoned the Levites to carry the ark of God with the poles on their shoulders, as Moses had commanded in accordance with the word of the Lord. + David told the leaders of the Levites to appoint their fellow Levites as musicians to make a joyful sound with musical instruments: lyres, harps and cymbals. + David and the elders of Israel and the commanders of units of a thousand went to bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord from the house of Obed-Edom, with rejoicing. + As the ark of the covenant of the Lord was entering the City of David, Michal saw King David dancing and celebrating, she despised him in her heart. + They brought the ark of God and set it inside the tent that David had pitched for it, and they presented burnt offerings and fellowship offerings before God. + He appointed some of the Levites to minister before the ark of the Lord, to extol, thank, and praise the Lord, the God of Israel. + David appointed Asaph and his associates to give praise to the Lord. + David left Asaph and his associates before the ark of the covenant of the Lord to minister there regularly, according to each day's requirements. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - From David's praise: Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. How is God in control of my life, present, past, and future? How should I give thanks to God? + **Fidelity** - Compare the two attempts David made in moving the ark (13, 15). What were the results and the causes? How do these remind me of my service to the Lord? + **Fidelity** - What were David's reasons for praising the Lord? (23-24, 26, 33-34) Have I overlooked any?


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 6: Wish for Temple

### Question What was God's response to David's wish to build the temple? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + David wished to build the temple for the Lord but He said: "You are not the one to build me a house to dwell in." + The Lord promised David that his descendant would build the temple for the Lord and the Lord would establish his descendant's throne forever. + David prayed humbly to the Lord. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Why did God refuse David's wish to build the temple? (17:5-6) What did God promise him? God's promise was much greater than what David asked for. Have I been refused by God? What happened afterward? + **Identity** - Read carefully David's prayer. What was David's attitude and knowledge of God and himself reflected in the beginning of the prayer? What can I learn from it?


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

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Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 1: Back from Death

### Question How was the faith of the Shunammite woman? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Elisha helped the army of Israel, Judah, and Edom to receive drinking water from God and to defeat Moabites with God's help. + Elisha performed miracles. He helped the widow of a man from the company of prophets to pay back her debt, prevented her sons to become slaves, and left them with abundance to sustain their livelihood. + A Shunammite wife often received and supported Elisha. Elisha predicted a son for the couple, saw the couple had no child. The child suddenly died so Elisha prayed and brought the child back to life. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - They must first dig out ditches before the army could receive water from God; She must go around and ask for empty jars before the widow receive the oil. When I ask God for something, did I first follow His command? + **Walking with God** - The Shunammite wife received Elisha and was given a share in the prophet's work. She did not seek to benefit from the authorities nor did she seek to have a child and yet God gave her everything. When her son died, she said to everyone that "everything is all right" but only to show her sadness to the prophet. This was because she knew the one who gave life to her son controls his life. What do I think about her faith?


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 2: Cleansing the Leporsy

### Question How was Naaman healed? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Naaman, the army commander of Israel archrival Aram, had leprosy. The girl servant he captured from Israel saw his illness and told his wife about prophet Elisha. Naaman went to Elisha and obeyed the words of the prophet after being persuaded by his servant. He washed himself seven times in Jordan and was cleansed of leprosy. Naaman vowed to worship only the Lord from then on. + Gehazi, Elisha's greedy servant, deceived Naaman of silver and cloths. Elisha rebuked him for profiting when he shouldn't. Gehazi contracted leprosy as result. + Elisha performed miracle to float a sunken iron ax for a man in the company of prophets. + The Aramean king sent men to capture Elisha during the war with Israel. Elisha performed miracle to lead them to Samaria and caused the Aramean to stop raiding Israel. + Aramean besieged Samaria. The famine in the city cause people to feed on each other's children. The king of Israel blamed Elisha and attributed it the Lord. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - God protects His people. Elisha opened his servant's eyes so he could see God's protection. Have I thought about God's protection when faced with seemingly great challenges? How is scene the servant saw helping me in my current circumstance? + **Fidelity** - Naaman would not have gotten to know the Lord and healed if the Israelite girl servant did not put down her hatred to love the enemy. Naaman would not have gone to the next step in knowing God if not for his persuasive servant. God put us next to the unbelievers so that we may be the outlet of their blessings and bring them to God every chance we have. Are there unbelievers around me? How may I learn to love and be faithful like the Israelite girl servant to help those unbelievers to know God and receive blessings?


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 3: The Arameans Fled

### Question How did God help the Samarians to break out the siege? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Four men with Leprosy saw the Arameans had left their camp. They went back and reported the news. + Ben-Hadad the Aramean king was ill. Hazel murdered Ben-Hadad and succeeded him as king. + Jehoram son of Jehoshaphat began his reign as king of Judah. He reigned for eight years and did evil in the eyes of the Lord. + Ahaziah son of Jehoram began his reign as king of Judah. He reigned for one year and did evil in the eyes of the Lord. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - How did the Lord help the Israelites to break out the siege? How has God helped me and protected me behind the scene? + **Integrity** - The four men with leprosy (v. 9-10) realized what they did was not right and repented immediately. What can I learn from this?


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 4: Jehu Cleaning Off

### Question How did Jehu clean off the families of the Israelite king and Judah king? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Prophet Elisha sent a man from the company of prophets to anoint Jehu son of Jehoshaphat, the son of Nimshi. + Jehu killed Joram king of Israel, Ahaziah king of Judah, and Jezebel. + The officials of Jezreel obeyed Jehu's command and killed Ahab's seventy sons. + Jehu killed everyone in Jezreel who remained of the house of Ahab and the relatives of Ahaziah king of Judah. + Jehu destroyed Baal in Israel but did not turn away from the worship of the golden calves at Bethel and Dan. + Jehu reigned over Israel in Samaria for twenty-eight years. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Ahab's son Joram and grandson Ahaziah were both killed. Were they innocent or guilty? (2 Kings 3:2-3,13-14; 8:25-27) How shall I look at the fairness of God's judgment? + **Fidelity** - If God elected Jehu as His judge, why was Jehu later judged by God? Of my service to God, what are pleasing to Him and what are not?


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 5: Judah's New King

### Question How did Joash become king? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Joash son of Ahaziah hid in the temple of the Lord for six years. Athaliah usurped the throne. + Jehoiada the priest anointed Joash. Athaliah was slain. In the seventh year of Jehu, Joash became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem forty years. + Jehoiada made a covenant between the Lord and the king and people, smashed the temple of Baal. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. + Joash repaired whatever damage was found in the temple. + Joash took all the sacred objects dedicated by his predecessors and the gifts he himself had dedicated and all the gold found in the treasuries of the temple of the Lord and of the royal palace, and he sent them to Hazael king of Aram, who then withdrew from Jerusalem. + Joash's officials assassinated him at Beth Millo, on the road down to Silla. Amaziah his son succeeded him as king. ### Meditation: My Story + **Integrity** - Even though Joash did what was right in the Lord's eyes since an early age, he still stumbled. What were the reasons he strayed away from the Lord's path? How is this reminding me and what expectations shall I set for my own spiritual life? + **Fidelity** - Jehoiada's teaching and influence on Joash demonstrated the importance of proper education. How am I educating my children?


Notes and Responses

Week 62 Day 6: Passed through Generations

### Question Why had the kings of Israel from generation to generation not done what was right in the eyes of the Lord. {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story - Jehoahaz son of Jehu became king of Israel in Samaria, and he reigned seventeen years. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord. For a long time, the Lord kept Israel under the power of Hazael king of Aram and Ben-Hadad his son. - Jehoash son of Jehoahaz became king of Israel in Samaria, and he reigned sixteen years. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord. - Elisha died of illness and was buried. A dead man's body touched Elisha's bones and the man came to life. - Amaziah son of Joash king of Judah became king and he reigned in Jerusalem twenty-nine years. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. Amaziah faced Jehoahaz king of Israel in battle. Judah was routed by Israel. - Jeroboam son of Jehoash king of Israel became king in Samaria, and he reigned forty-one years. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord. ### Meditation: My Story - **Identity** - The kings of Israel never removed the high places. Are there things in my life which displease the Lord that I fail to remove? - **Integrity** - What was Amaziah's attitude after he had defeated the Edomites? Why did he fail afterward? What does this remind me of?


Notes and Responses

2022-2023 Week 62 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

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