Weekly Guide:Week 53
January 27, 2019
We continue to read the First Samuel this week.
May you all be renewed in God’s word each day.
Why does the scripture say the Israelites rejected the Lord?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
Samuel’s two sons did not walk in their father’s way. The elders of Israel asked Samuel to give them a king to judge them like all nations. By God’s words, Samuel warned them of king’s oppressions. They refused to listen and were determined to have a king to rule over them.
The Lord said the Israelite’s request meant they rejected Him a king over them. The Israelites disobeyed God just like their ancestors did when they came out of Egypt.
The Lord chose Saul, wanted to save the Israelites out of the hands of the Philistines through Saul. Samuel took Saul and ate the offering with him then brought him up on the roof so that everyone in the city might see him.
Meditation: My Story
Walking with God - Israelites’ request seemed to be politically correct, but in reality, they were repeating the sins of their ancestors. Does God not get involved in our social problems and political struggles? The problem Israelites faced was that they did not rely on God, but desired for self-reliance and worldly solution. What can I learn from the Lord’s warning to the Israelites? As the light and salt of the world, what shall our mentality and behavior be when involved in political debate or social construction?
Integrity - The Israelites challenged Samuel as if they have forgotten and forsaken everything he did in his entire life. But Samuel was not angered and obeyed God’s will to warn the Israelites in earnest and to find them a king. When Saul showed up to him, Samuel raised him up high in front of all. How was Samuel’s character formed? What was his focus?
Notes and Responses
What “steps” did Saul go through being anointed?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
Samuel followed God’s will to anoint Saul and gave him three signs.
Samuel casted lots to elect Saul, but some despised him.
Saul defeated the Ammonites, delivered Jabesh-gilead, to prove himself and finally being accepted by people as king.
Samuel addressed the people one last time to obey God’s will even as they have done all that evil, must turn to the Lord and serve the Lord with all their heart, and the Lord will not forsake them. As for Samuel, he himself will continue to pray for them and instruct them in the good and the right way.
Meditation: My Story
Walking with God - God elected and anointed Saul before the people. It was God’s will for Saul even though the people acted wickedly. What can I learn from Saul’s anointment about those who have authorities (even if they are wicked) in the world?
Walking with God - Saul was transformed because of the spirit of the Lord. Think about the three signs and Saul’s transformation. What have I learned about God’s work?
Integrity - What characters did Samuel display from his farewell address. Let me list out these characters. What can I see from the way he served the Lord and God’s people? What did he see about himself?
Notes and Responses
In what aspects did Saul disobey God’s will?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
Saul made offering by himself in Gilgal for he couldn’t wait for Samuel nor the Lord. Samuel told Saul because he did not keep the Lord’s command, that his kingdom shall not continue, and the Lord had sought out another man after His own heart to be king.
Saul laid an oath on his people to continue fighting without any food and caused all people to break the vow. After the people had broken the vow, Saul did not repent but tried to cover it up. When God did not answer his inquiry, Saul casted lots to find the offender but was ransomed by the people.
God used Jonathan to save the Israelites with a small number of them from the hands of stronger Philistines. Jonathan cared about the people’s wellbeing. When he was picked out by lots, the people ransomed him because they could see that he was with God in saving them.
Meditation: My Story
Walking with God - Saul seemed to try to turn back to God. He brought alone Eli’s son as high priest as well as the ark of the Covenant. Then he laid an oath on his people to not eat until he had avenged on his enemies which caused the people to break the vow and offended the Lord. Saul then built an altar, listened to the priest to inquire of the Lord on the next step. Saul again offended the Lord when he could not get answer from the Lord by wanting to find and punish the offender unreasonably. What was his motivation? What was his attitude toward God? What have I learned from all this? Have I done similar things like Saul in my daily life?
Integrity - Started with things that seemed small and negligible, Saul began to stray away from God. He had no patience to wait for God, used God as a tool to accomplish his own will, pushing aside of the responsibilities. Compare to Jonathan’s reliance of God and the witness from the people, what have I learned to apply to my daily live? What was the root cause of Saul’s wrong choices, straying away from God, and being rejected by God?
Notes and Responses
What is pleasing to God?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
Through Samuel, God commanded Saul to strike and destroy all the Amalekites. But Saul did not follow through and spared the Amalekite king as well as all the best sheep, oxen, fattened calves and lambs, and all things that were good.
God regret (was sorry - NLV) that He had made Saul king because Saul turned away from Him.
Saul maintained that he followed God’s will when faced Samuel; When reproached by Samuel, Saul claimed it was the people’s idea to spare the best things for offering; Saul finally admitted of his sin that it was caused by his fear of people; Saul asked Samuel to stay to honor him in front of the people when he learned that God’s will would not change.
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams.
Meditation: My Story
Walking with God - No matter what excuses Saul had, Samuel told him that God’s command was not followed on striking the Amalekites. What does God want from us in following His commands? God wants us to love Him with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind. We cannot serve both God and money or idols just like He wanted Saul to “destroy” them all. Am I making the same mistake as Saul did?
Identity - He wasn’t lying when Saul said: “I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and your words, because I feared the people and obeyed their voice.” Do I also fear people of the world, both willingly and unwillingly, more than fear God and disobey God? What do I fear in things around me? God is greater than anyone and anything that we might fear.
Notes and Responses
Why did the Lord elect David as king of Israel?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
God sent Samuel to Bethlehem to anoint a new king.
The Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.
The Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and a harmful spirit from the Lord tormented him. Saul’s servant suggested to have David play lyre for Saul to refresh him to make him well.
The Philistines and the Israelites went to war, David relied on God to defeat Goliath; The Israelites defeated the Philistines and plundered Philistine camp; David now entered the sights of Saul and the Israelites.
Meditation: My Story
Identity - The Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. What is the heart that is pleasing to God according to the words Samuel said to Saul (vs. 15:22-23)? How Samuel’s words were reflected in what David said and acted when he defeated Goliath? How shall I make my heart pleasing to God?
Integrity - What was David’s focus in his speech and action when defeating Goliath? What was he relying on? Did he know his mission? How may I defeat the tall and seemingly undefeatable giants in my life I’d inevitably meet?
Notes and Responses
Why was Saul afraid and wanted to kill David?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and they became good friends. David was successful in battles that Saul set him over the men of war and he was good in the sight of all the people.
The Israelites welcomed David’s return from victory, the women sang joyful songs “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.” This brought out the jealousy in Saul.
Saul was afraid of David as God was with David but departed from Saul. He tried to kill David secretly but never succeeded. David was loved by people even more, including Saul’s son Jonathan and daughter Michal.
Jonathan advised Saul and he listened but soon changed. Michal help David to escape to Samuel. Saul sent people to go after David and later went himself but they were all stopped by the spirit of God.
Meditation: My Story
Walking with God - David escaped Saul’s many attempts to kill him. What have I learned from this where God protected David and His own servants so that Saul would not succeed? When Saul could not see God’s work and saw only the worldly power, his spiritual eyes went blind. Am I busy going after the worldly things such as money and unable to see what God is doing? Let me pray to the Lord to help me to put my eyes on Him.
Community - Compare Jonathan’s encouragement to Michal’s deceit for David. What were the differences even though both came out of love for David? What is the God pleasing relationship between Christians?
Notes and Responses
Scripture Reading
Notes and Responses
### Question
What is pleasing to God?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ Through Samuel, God commanded Saul to strike and destroy all the Amalekites. But Saul did not follow through and spared the Amalekite king as well as all the best sheep, oxen, fattened calves and lambs, and all things that were good.
+ God regret (was sorry - NLV) that He had made Saul king because Saul turned away from Him.
+ Saul maintained that he followed God's will when faced Samuel; When reproached by Samuel, Saul claimed it was the people's idea to spare the best things for offering; Saul finally admitted of his sin that it was caused by his fear of people; Saul asked Samuel to stay to honor him in front of the people when he learned that God's will would not change.
+ Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Walking with God** - No matter what excuses Saul had, Samuel told him that God's command was not followed on striking the Amalekites. What does God want from us in following His commands? God wants us to love Him with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind. We cannot serve both God and money or idols just like He wanted Saul to "destroy" them all. Am I making the same mistake as Saul did?
+ **Identity** - He wasn't lying when Saul said: "I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and your words, because I feared the people and obeyed their voice." Do I also fear people of the world, both willingly and unwillingly, more than fear God and disobey God? What do I fear in things around me? God is greater than anyone and anything that we might fear.
Notes and Responses
### Question
Why did the Lord elect David as king of Israel?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ God sent Samuel to Bethlehem to anoint a new king.
+ The Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.
+ The Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and a harmful spirit from the Lord tormented him. Saul's servant suggested to have David play lyre for Saul to refresh him to make him well.
+ The Philistines and the Israelites went to war, David relied on God to defeat Goliath; The Israelites defeated the Philistines and plundered Philistine camp; David now entered the sights of Saul and the Israelites.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Identity** - The Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks in the heart. What is the heart that is pleasing to God according to the words Samuel said to Saul? (vs. 15:22-23) How Samuel's words were reflected in what David said and acted when he defeated Goliath? How shall I make my heart pleasing to God?
+ **Integrity** - What was David's focus in his speech and action when defeating Goliath? What was he relying on? Did he know his mission? How may I defeat the tall and seemingly undefeatable giants in my life I'd inevitably meet?
Notes and Responses
### Question
Why was Saul afraid and wanted to kill David?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and they became good friends. David was successful in battles that Saul set him over the men of war and he was good in the sight of all the people.
+ The Israelites welcomed David's return from victory, the women sang joyful songs "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands." This brought out the jealousy in Saul.
+ Saul was afraid of David as God was with David but departed from Saul. He tried to kill David secretly but never succeeded. David was loved by people even more, including Saul's son Jonathan and daughter Michal.
+ Jonathan advised Saul and he listened but soon changed. Michal help David to escape to Samuel. Saul sent people to go after David and later went but they were all stopped by the spirit of God.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Walking with God** - David escaped Saul's many attempts to kill him. What have I learned from this where God protected David and His own servants so that Saul would not succeed? When Saul could not see God's work and saw only the worldly power, his spiritual eyes went blind. Am I busy going after the worldly things such as money and unable to see what God is doing? Let me pray to the Lord to help me to put my eyes on Him.
+ **Community** - Compare Jonathan's encouragement to Michal's deceit for David. What were the differences even though both came out of love for David? What is the God pleasing relationship between Christians?
Notes and Responses
### Question
What is the real reason behind Saul's fear for David?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ David met Jonathan and through him reaffirmed Saul's attempt to kill David.
+ Jonathan and David made a covenant to bring their families together through their friendship.
+ David began his life as an exile. For his own safety, David lied to the priest and cause the death of the entire town of priests. He pretended to be insane in front of the Philistines and got kicked out.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Integrity** - The friendship between Jonathan and David faced great challenge. David accused Jonathan of knowing Saul's will. How did Jonathan answer David's accusation? Being a prince, how was Jonathan's integrity reflected in his reaction to David? It can be seen that Jonathan knew God's will from the covenant between him and David. What choice did Jonathan make?
+ **Integrity** - David had little help and was surrounded by enemies in the early days of his exile. David was not without weakness. Why did David lie to the priest and pretend to be insane in front of the Philistines? Read Psalms 34 and 55 to get a taste of what David experienced when he was weak and how leaned on God.
Notes and Responses
### Question
How did David grow stronger in the Lord's grace and peace while facing persecution?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ David brought his family to take refuge in Moab, but God revealed to him through prophet Gad to go back to Judah where it was under Saul's control.
+ Because Ahimelek helped David, Saul destroyed the priesthood established by God and severed his own connection to God with the killing of Ahimelek and the entire town of priests.
+ David gained fighting men, a prophet who had connection to God, and a priest who could make offerings to God and inquire of God.
+ David followed God's will and saved Keilah but attracted Saul's attention. God revealed to David that the citizens of Keilah would surrender him to Saul. The Ziphites also told Saul of David's hiding place and caused Saul to pursue him. But David was again protected by God.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Walking with God** - God protected David's life and grew his strength even as he was under persecution and affliction. David's kingdom was being formed and build up. Suffering is usually a blessing in disguise! How have I experienced or heard such testimony of God's protection and building up of His faithful people? How would David's experience help me set focus on God's faithfulness when facing my next challenge?
+ **Integrity** - Saul blamed and killed innocent people while David saved those who were in danger even as he was facing danger. And, ironically, those who David saved sold him out to Saul. It is tough doing what is right in God's eyes and not getting paid back. How does David's integrity remind me of my own life? What warnings do I get from Saul's example?
Notes and Responses
### Question
How did David forgive Saul in God and how did he almost commit great sin of flesh?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ Saul went to take David's live but was delivered to David's hand by God. However, David did not want to harm God's anointed and told Saul about it. Saul wept in atonement and admitted David's righteousness as well as God's election. Saul also asked David not to kill off his descendants.
+ Nabal insulted David even though David gave him protection. David wanted to kill all males in Nabal's household. Nabal's wife Abigale brought with her gifts to David and dissuaded David from committing sin with her wisdom. God himself avenged for David and David gave thanks to the Lord for He had prevented David from sinning. With Abigale's consent, she became David's wife.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Walking with God** - David depended on God and wasn't willing to harm his enemy but in a blink of eyes, with fleshly revenge, he almost killed the one who insulted him and implicated many who were innocent. Doing good in God now does not mean the flesh won't take over in the future. Have I ever experienced similar events in my own spiritual journey? How may I stay alert so that the evil one will not take over?
+ **Integrity** - How did Abigale dissuade David? What wisdom can I see from her conversation with David? Why would David listen to a little woman? This is because what he saw was not just a wise woman, but God talking through her. God would also help us in our life with some insignificant things or people to remind us. Let me pray to God to help me have a humble and sensitive heart.
Notes and Responses
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Notes and Responses
### Question
How was Jeremiah sent by God?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ In the thirteenth year of the reign of Josiah, the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah.
+ Before the Lord formed Jeremiah in the womb He knew him, before he was born He set him apart; He appointed him as a prophet to the nations.
+ Jeremiah saw the branch of an almond tree and a pot that is boiling, tilting from the north.
+ From the north disaster will be poured out on all who live in the land.
+ The Lord commanded Jeremiah: "Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you."
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Fidelity** - When the Lord sent Jeremiah, He told him not to be terrified, for He had made him a fortified city, an iron pillar and a bronze wall. Although people went against Jeremiah, they could not overcome him because God was with him. Appreciate how God protects His servants and be encouraged and be filled with confidence in serving Him.
Notes and Responses
### Question
How did Israel stray from the Lord?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ Israel was holy to the Lord, the firstfruits of his harvest.
+ But their ancestors strayed far from the Lord. They followed worthless idols and became worthless themselves.
+ Has a nation ever changed its gods? But people have exchanged their glorious God for worthless idols.
+ Your wickedness will punish you. Consider then and realize how evil and bitter it is for you when you forsake the Lord your God and have no awe of Him.
+ On every high hill and under every spreading tree you lay down as a prostitute, turned your back to me, yet when you are in trouble, you say, "Come and save us!"
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Identity** - Israelites exchanged their glorious God for worthless idols, be appalled at this, you heavens. Am I worshiping worthless idols to satisfy my fleshly desires?
Notes and Responses
### Question
How did Israelites return to God?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ After the faithless Israel committed adultery, her unfaithful sister Judah saw it. She also went out and committed adultery.
+ The Lord called Israel to return, for He is faithful and will not be angry forever.
+ Israel wept and pleaded, because they have perverted their ways and have forgotten the Lord their God.
+ Israel come to God, because He is the Lord.
+ If you, Israel, will return, then return to me and no longer go astray.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Identity** - The idolatrous commotion on the hills and mountains is a deception. The Lord our God is the salvation. Where is my protection and help? Is it on the rock or sand?
Notes and Responses
### Question
Why did the Lord punish Jerusalem?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ The prophet questioned to the Lord: "How you have deceived this people and Jerusalem by saying, 'You will have peace,' when the sword is at our throats!"
+ The Lord said to Jerusalem: "Wash the evil from your heart and be saved. Your own conduct and actions have brought this on you. This is your punishment. How bitter it is!"
+ The prophet was agonizing in his heart, which was pounding within him, and could not keep silent.
+ The Lord questioned if there's one in Jerusalem who dealt honestly and sought the truth.
+ Ravage, but do not destroy them completely, strip off only those do not belong to the Lord.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Integrity** - The Lord found no one in Jerusalem who dealt honestly or sought the truth, and those who swore, sworn falsely. How may I differentiate myself from the world but deal with honesty and mercy by following God's will?
Notes and Responses
### Question
Why did God say the city of Jerusalem must be punished?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ Warned the people of Benjamin to flee from Jerusalem, for disaster looms out of the north, even terrible destruction.
+ The Lord declared the city of Jerusalem must be punished. It must take warning as it is filled with oppression.
+ Let enemies glean the remnant of Israel as thoroughly as a vine, because they have not listened to God's words and have rejected His law.
+ An army is coming from the land of the north, armed with bow and spear to attack Zion.
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Identity** - The Lord says to the Judah: "Ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." But they wont walk in it. Why didn't they choose the Lord's way? What ways am I choosing today instead of the Lord's way and therefore unable to find peace?
+ **Fidelity** - The Judah "From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit. They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. 'Peace, peace,' they say, when there is no peace." We as God's servant today how much awareness do we have with the realities and the needs of the world? How may I face the injustice with grace and honesty?
Notes and Responses
### Question
How did the Lord call the Judah to turn back to Him?
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### Meditation: God's Story
+ The Lord told the Judah to "Reform your ways and your actions, and I will let you live in this place."
+ The Lord would do to the promised land as what He did to Shiloh.
+ This is the nation that has not obeyed the Lord its God or responded to correction. Truth has perished; it has vanished from their lips.
+ The bones of the kings and all of Judah will be removed from their graves. They will be exposed to the sun and the moon and all the stars of the heavens, they will not be gathered up or buried.
+ The Lord says: "Why then have these people turned away? Why does Jerusalem always turn away? They cling to deceit; they refuse to return."
### Meditation: My Story
+ **Integrity** - The Lord asked the people to deal with each other justly, do not oppress the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow. Today, who among us are the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow?
Notes and Responses
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Notes and Responses