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Weekly Guide :Week 5

February 25, 2018

Week 5 Day 1: Smooth Sailing


Can Joseph avoid prison?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 2: Joseph's Brothers


Would Josepha’s brothers change?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 3: Joseph Made Himself Known


How did Israel arrive in Egypt?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 4: Settle in Egypt


How was Israel in Egypt?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 5: Blessing the Sons


What happened to Israel’s descendants?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 6: Preparation for Salvation


What happened to descendants of Israel in Egypt?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 7: Catch-up Day

Scripture Reading


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 1: The Heavenly Treasure

### Question What were the important events on the way to Jerusalem? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Jesus again predicted His own death and resurrection. + Disciples argued amongst themselves who would be the greatest. Jesus talked about the attitude needed of the disciples. + Jesus predicted His own death and resurrection the third time. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Jesus taught disciples, anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all. This is a total opposite from the world's view of success and status. Am I willing to accept this teaching? Can I do it? What is the biggest challenge? + **Community** - When Jesus talked about marriage, He said: "What God has joined together, let no one separate." How do I understand this teaching? Do I stand behind the vow I took, view my marriage as a vessel in our sanctification, and grow together spiritually with my other half through love?


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 2: Came on Donkey

### Question How did Jesus enter Jerusalem? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Jesus entered Jerusalem gloriously and drove out those traders who desecrated the temple. + The sandwich-structured writing indicates the connection between the curse of fig tree and clearing of the temple courts which might be viewed as Jesus' prediction of the temple and Israel. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Jesus said it would be ours whatever we ask for in prayer and believe that we have received (11:24.) Do I understand the relationship between my faith and identity? Do I understand why faith can move mountain? + **Integrity** - Instead of worshiping, the temple was being used by thieves as hiding place of their evil acts. Our bodies as God's temple may also be desecrated by our sinning nature. Do I have any thoughts or behaviors need to be cleansed by the Holy Spirit?


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 3: Debate in Temple

### Question What did Jesus debate with the priests, teachers of the law and elders in the temple? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + In the temple, Jesus taught about His authority and Israel's rebellion, paying tax, marriage at resurrection. + The commandment on "love God, love others" and hypocrisy of the teachers of the law. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - We are citizens of some country and, more importantly, we are people of the Heavenly Kingdom. From the question on paying tax to Caesar, how do I understand my double identity? Do I often remember my identity in the Heavenly Kingdom? + **Fidelity** - The commandment "love God, love others" contrasts greatly with the hypocrisy of the teachers of the law. Let me reflect on my service to the Lord. Is it based on my love of God and others or is it based on my desire for self-glorification?


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 4: The End Signs

### Question What was Jesus' teaching about the End of Times? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The poor widow's offering reveals how God sees offerings. + Jesus taught the signs of the End of Times and the need to be alert. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - The widow was poor but offered willingly. How do I view money? Do I offer willingly or with reservations? + **Integrity** - No one knows when Jesus will come again. Am I always being alert and will answer to the Lord honestly or do I live a life in deceit and hope that I'll not get caught?


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 5: Betrayal of Jesus

### Question What were the events through Jesus' betrayal and arrest? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + An alabaster jar of expensive perfume made of nard was poured over Jesus' head to prepare for His death. + Passover supper and Gethsemane prayer. + Jesus' arrest and trial as well as being disowned by Peter three times. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - The woman who poured the expensive perfume over Jesus' head knew His identity and treasured Him. Do I also treasure Jesus and willingly offer my all? + **Integrity** - Peter was full of confidence that he would never disown Jesus and yet did it three times. Do I rely all my actions on my own confidence or on faith in God? Let me pray and ask the Holy Spirit to remind me of my fleshly weakness and help me to win over it.


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 6: Death of Savior

### Question What happened to Jesus after His arrest? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Pilate could find no accusation against Jesus. + The Jews were rather release Barabbas than Jesus. + Jesus was crucified along with two rubbers on the cross, mocked by the crowds, and laid in a tomb cut out of rock after death. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - After Jesus drew His last breath, the curtain in the temple was torn in two from top down which signified the end of separation of God and man. Am I able to let go of my guilt and despair to come in front of God fearlessly as my own father, to accept His mercy and discipline? Do I have anything to ask from Him? + **Integrity** - The chief priest, filled with Jealousy, instigated the crowds to ask for Barabbas' release instead of Jesus. Do I continue to falter on certain things? Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to soften my heart to atone in front of God and let His love embrace me.


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

{% include BibleLinks2020.html %}


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 1: The Heavenly Treasure

### Question What were the important events on the way to Jerusalem? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Jesus again predicted His own death and resurrection. + Disciples argued amongst themselves who would be the greatest. Jesus talked about the attitude needed of the disciples. + Jesus predicted His own death and resurrection the third time. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Jesus taught disciples, anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all. This is a total opposite from the world's view of success and status. Am I willing to accept this teaching? Can I do it? What is the biggest challenge? + **Community** - When Jesus talked about marriage, He said: "What God has joined together, let no one separate." How do I understand this teaching? Do I stand behind the vow I took, view my marriage as a vessel in our sanctification, and grow together spiritually with my other half through love?


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 2: Came on Donkey

### Question How did Jesus enter Jerusalem? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Jesus entered Jerusalem gloriously and drove out those traders who desecrated the temple. + The sandwich-structured writing indicates the connection between the curse of fig tree and clearing of the temple courts which might be viewed as Jesus' prediction of the temple and Israel. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Jesus said it would be ours whatever we ask for in prayer and believe that we have received (11:24.) Do I understand the relationship between my faith and identity? Do I understand why faith can move mountain? + **Integrity** - Instead of worshiping, the temple was being used by thieves as hiding place of their evil acts. Our bodies as God's temple may also be desecrated by our sinning nature. Do I have any thoughts or behaviors need to be cleansed by the Holy Spirit?


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 3: Debate in Temple

### Question What did Jesus debate with the priests, teachers of the law and elders in the temple? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + In the temple, Jesus taught about His authority and Israel's rebellion, paying tax, marriage at resurrection. + The commandment on "love God, love others" and hypocrisy of the teachers of the law. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - We are citizens of some country and, more importantly, we are people of the Heavenly Kingdom. From the question on paying tax to Caesar, how do I understand my double identity? Do I often remember my identity in the Heavenly Kingdom? + **Fidelity** - The commandment "love God, love others" contrasts greatly with the hypocrisy of the teachers of the law. Let me reflect on my service to the Lord. Is it based on my love of God and others or is it based on my desire for self-glorification?


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 4: The End Signs

### Question What was Jesus' teaching about the End of Times? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The poor widow's offering reveals how God sees offerings. + Jesus taught the signs of the End of Times and the need to be alert. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - The widow was poor but offered willingly. How do I view money? Do I offer willingly or with reservations? + **Integrity** - No one knows when Jesus will come again. Am I always being alert and will answer to the Lord honestly or do I live a life in deceit and hope that I'll not get caught?


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 5: Betrayal of Jesus

### Question What were the events through Jesus' betrayal and arrest? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + An alabaster jar of expensive perfume made of nard was poured over Jesus' head to prepare for His death. + Passover supper and Gethsemane prayer. + Jesus' arrest and trial as well as being disowned by Peter three times. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - The woman who poured the expensive perfume over Jesus' head knew His identity and treasured Him. Do I also treasure Jesus and willingly offer my all? + **Integrity** - Peter was full of confidence that he would never disown Jesus and yet did it three times. Do I rely all my actions on my own confidence or on faith in God? Let me pray and ask the Holy Spirit to remind me of my fleshly weakness and help me to win over it.


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 6: Death of Savior

### Question What happened to Jesus after His arrest? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Pilate could find no accusation against Jesus. + The Jews were rather release Barabbas than Jesus. + Jesus was crucified along with two rubbers on the cross, mocked by the crowds, and laid in a tomb cut out of rock after death. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - After Jesus drew His last breath, the curtain in the temple was torn in two from top down which signified the end of separation of God and man. Am I able to let go of my guilt and despair to come in front of God fearlessly as my own father, to accept His mercy and discipline? Do I have anything to ask from Him? + **Integrity** - The chief priest, filled with Jealousy, instigated the crowds to ask for Barabbas' release instead of Jesus. Do I continue to falter on certain things? Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to soften my heart to atone in front of God and let His love embrace me.


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

{% include BibleLinks2022.html %}


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 1: Prosper and Success

### Question Can Joseph avoid prison? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Joseph got released from prison and put in charge of the whole land of Egypt for interpreting Pharaoh's dreams. God blessed through Joseph everyone around him. At the same time, Joseph tested his brothers who came to Egypt to buy grain. + Joseph saw God's plan through his own experiences and gave glory to God in front of Pharaoh. God brought Joseph's brothers to repentance through his test. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Joseph gave all the glory to God for his ability to interpret Pharaoh's dreams. He did not aim to benefit himself from the God given ability. How does Joseph's example remind me about my own work and service? + **Community** - It wasn't that Joseph did not forgive his brothers that he tested them. It was quite conceivable that Joseph was full of vengeance when his brothers bowed down to him. Can I learn from Joseph and look up to God instead of taking matters into my own hands when someone wrongs me? + **Fidelity** - Joseph was faithful to his job, responsibilities, and worked for Pharaoh who did not know God. Take a close look at my own job. How does Joseph remind me what my attitude should be?


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 2: Joseph and Brothers

### Question Would Joseph's brothers change? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Joseph's brothers came to Egypt to buy grain the second time. Joseph tested them again. + Through Joseph's test, God led and changed Judah's life from brother-selling to self-sacrificing. God put us through difficult situations to help us to face our sins and cause our lives to change. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Judah's life was changed with the test. Judah pleaded for Benjamin and was willing to substitute for him. Do I have similar experiences? How can I rely on God to help me win over my past sins and turn me around? + **Integrity** - Judah praised Tamar for being more righteous. Judah's life was renewed and his family was greatly blessed with Lord Jesus Christ to come from his descendants. From his selling of Joseph, failing of father-in-law's duty to Tamar, to the second grain buying, what do I see in his spiritual growth? How does the story of Judah remind me about my own spiritual growth?


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 3: Joseph's Identity Revealed

### Question How did Israel arrive in Egypt? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Joseph made himself known to his brothers and comforted them. Israel brought the whole family to Egypt. + Through the dreadful act of selling Joseph, God saved Israel's entire family. God fulfilled the promise that Abraham's descendants would go to Egypt. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Israel went to Beersheba to offer sacrifice and prayed to God before going to Egypt. His spiritual life grew even more. God led Israel and made him humble, gentle, and faithful. How does the story of Israel's life encourage me? + **Community** - Joseph comforted his brothers when he made himself known to them. He told them that even with the evil heart of man, God's plan is always for the good. Man's forgiveness is limited but God's salvation is boundless and infinite. Only by leaning on God can man obtain the true freedom. Joseph relied on God to better his relationship with his brothers. How does Joseph's story encourage me about my relationship with members of my family?


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 4: Settled in Egypt

### Question How was Israel in Egypt? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Israel settled in Egypt. Joseph continued to serve faithfully and used his power to save even more people. Israel made Jacob promise to take him back to the land where his fathers rest. Israel blessed Joseph's two sons. + Although he died in Egypt, Israel was full of hope and faithful to God's promises. God never fails to fulfill his promises. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Israel worshiped God even on his death bed. There's never an end in walking with God. When do I worship Him? Pray to God to help me follow Him every second of my life. + **Identity** - Joseph loved God with all his heart but according to Israel's blessing, God did not elect his tribe as the tribe of Kings. We might believe that Joseph deserved more. Do I often question why some of the Godlier Christians never get blessed with worldly riches? How do I view and submit to God's sovereignty?


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 5: Blessed the Sons

### Question What happened to Israel's descendants? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Death of Israel. Israel blessed all his sons. Joseph buried Israel in Canaan by his wish. The brothers were still afraid that Joseph would revenge. Joseph comforted them. Joseph died, and like his father, he asked his descendants to take him back to the promised land. + Through Israel, God promised the Messiah would descend through Judah. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - The story of Genesis ended but God's work has not. Through Israel's blessing, God promised the coming of Messiah from Judah's descendants. What do I see reflecting on the story of Genesis and connect the stories of God and of man? How does my story connect with God's? What encouragement and hope do I receive? + **Community** - It can be depressing and feeling furious when wronged and persecuted by others. Joseph cried but did not revenge. Instead, he comforted his brothers. What can I learn from the grace and gentleness of Joseph to face the persecutions?


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 6: Preparation for Salvation

### Question What happened to the descendants of Israel in Egypt? {% include BibleLinks2024.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The background of Exodus. The curtain raiser of God's salvation plan. + Israelites were tortured in Egypt, but they grew stronger with God's blessing. Moses was born and saved by God when Pharaoh was killing all newborn male Hebrews. We must remember God is always in control no matter what dangers and circumstances we may face. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - The God-fearing midwives saved the life of eventual Exodus leader, Moses. Am I God-fearing and willing to walk with Him under any circumstances? + **Identity** - All Hebrew male infants were being slaughtered when Moses was born. Through God's blessing, Moses was taken by Pharaoh's daughter and grew up in the palace. He killed a person and fled to Midian. Everything happens to a person, be it persecution or setback, comes from God for the good purpose of equipping him/her. How does knowing this fact help me identify myself and recognize my own experiences positively?


Notes and Responses

Week 5 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

{% include BibleLinks2024.html %}


Notes and Responses