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Weekly Guide:Week 42

November 11, 2018

Week 42 Day 1: All Work Together


We started on the Book of Ephesians last week. This week, we’ll complete that reading and start on the Book of Philippians.

The Book of Ephesians we are studying explained the question of our identity in Christ. The faith of Christians is in Christ. It is the new life coming out of our relationship with Christ in which, instead of being individuals, we are parts of Christ’s body that all our actions impart on His body and must be consistent with our identity.

To understand the identity has nothing to do with philosophy nor theology but has everything to do with the knowledge of who we are. Our identity, consciously or not, defines our spiritual life and material awareness. It is from Christ’s grace we received our identity and privileges as a new creation that we cannot boast of. To connect with Christ does not cut us off from the world as an escape from reality. Let the new identity motivate us to transform us even as we live in this world. The new identity does not make an insistence on perfection nor ignorance on sins as we don’t want to be self-pitying and arrogant but, as a new creation, the proper response is to worship and be obedient. It is not the law but our identity that we shall not do wrongful things. Faith is not limited to just believing truth, but also the connection with Christ. Living in Christ is living against evil, is a zealous life knowing that being part of Him would bring a total turn around in conduct and moral.

May God’s word renew you all each day!


What is our responsibility in God’s Kingdom?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 2: Renew and Transform


What areas of my life need to be renewed?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 3: Wining the War


How should Christians face the spiritual wars?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 4: Spreading the Gospel


What is Christian value?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 5: Live for Gospel


How should Christians live?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 6: Jesus Most Precious


What are the characteristics of a Christian’s identity?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

Scripture Reading


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 1: The Spiritual Gifts

### Question What is the purpose of the spiritual gifts from God? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Spiritual gifts are given to individuals by the will of the Holy Spirit. + We are all members of one body, baptized by one Spirit into one body, and all made to drink into the one spirit. + Without love and not used to benefit others, gifts, no matter how great, are nothing. + What we know and what we prophesize are limited. Only when that which is perfect has come, then there will be no more limits. + It is a spiritual gift to be able to speak in tongues but it is of no benefit if the listener cannot understand. ### Meditation: My Story + **Community** - What is love? Am I loving my Christian brothers and sisters by God's standard? + **Fidelity** - Every member of the body has their unique gifts. What are my spiritual gifts? Am I willing to benefit the church with my gifts?


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 2: Evidence of Salvation

### Question Why is Jesus' death and resurrection so significant? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Paul reiterated the gospel to correct the false view of those who did not believe Jesus' resurrection. + The resurrection of Jesus demonstrates God's power. + Paul persecuted the church then became the smallest of the apostles. Through God's grace, he became an important vessel of God's purpose. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - How do I see death? Do I believe in resurrection? Why? + **Fidelity** - Paul reminded us to stand firm, let nothing move us. Always give us fully to the work of the Lord, because we know that our labor in the Lord is not in vain. Am I serving the Lord with such a strong mind and faith?


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 3: Assistance and Encouragement

### Question How should we assist each other? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Paul reminded the Corinthian church to collect donations to assist the church in Jerusalem. + Paul reminded the church of Corinth to not hold any bias against Timothy for they might look down upon him. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Can I stand firm on the truth? Do I have a mature spiritual life or is it still in its infancy? + **Integrity** - Do I have the love to assist financially those brothers and sisters who are in need? + **Fidelity** - The household of Stephanas were devoted to the service of the Lord's people. Am I following their example?


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 4: Suffering and Misery

### Question How do the outer suffering from outside and the inner misery enrich those who have faith in God? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + God is the Father of compassion and God of all comfort. As we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ. With this suffering and comforting we may comfort those who are suffering. + We are not to grieve each other, but with a firm love, bring joy to each other in the Lord. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Christian life is not always smooth sailing. What is suffering in Christ when the distress comes? How do I submit to God's purpose and become comfort for others? + **Community** - Is the joy in the Lord for the other Christians the goal of my relationship with them? Do I prioritize my own defense when being wronged? When others have done wrong, do I prioritize the enforcement of righteousness on them over their repentance and acceptance of God's salvation? + **Integrity** - What should the source and basis of my plans be? What promises can I give to others? What should the basis of my promises be?


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 5: aroma of Christ

### Question How do we demonstrate Christ's glory and aroma as Christians under thew New Covenant? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Paul and his co-workers spoke of Christ before God with sincerity, as those sent from God. And God led them as captives in Christ's triumphal procession and used them to spread the aroma of the knowledge of Him everywhere. + Paul and his co-workers are ministers of a new covenant, of the Spirit, of the righteousness, and of the long-lasting glory. The Spirit of God causes us to be like Him with His glory upon glory. + We are to preach Christ as Lord God so that the light of His glory may shine in people's hearts. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Whether others believe or not what we preach, we'd have the aroma of Christ as long as we preach Christ with sincerity before God. What does "before God with sincerity as sent from God" mean? What does this remind and encourage me in my service and preaching? Do I boast for their conversion? Am I depressed for their resistance? + **Fidelity** - What is the difference between the glory of Moses and the glory of the ministry of the New Covenant? What is the result of the glory of the ministry of the New Covenant? What hope does it bring to me for knowing this everlasting and life transforming glory? How does this hope help me preach the truth with courage? What does "commend ourselves to everyone's conscience in the sight of God" mean?


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 6: Temporal and Eternal

### Question What should I keep in mind to have a God pleasing life? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + This is Paul's life: carry with him Jesus' death so that Jesus' life may be revealed; while his body is decaying but his heart is renewed each day; set his focus on the eternal glory instead of temporary troubles; gaining the heavenly building in place of destructible earthly tent. + Disciples of Christ must commit to live for the Lord, to please God, and give glory to Him. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - The one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God, who has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. This verse assures us while on earth, we may taste the joy of God's grace when we are surrounded by the temporary troubles so that we may be strengthened in faith and have hope for the eternal glory. The commitment of our hearts and the works of the Holy Spirit are inseparable. Do I have such experience? Is the Holy Spirit working or has worked in me to help me set my sight on the eternal home? + **Integrity** - For we live by faith, not by sight. This verse clearly tells us to view lightly the troubles we see on earth but set sight on the eternal glory. What problems am I seeing? How are these problems troubling me and causing me to lose focus on the eternity?


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

{% include BibleLinks2020.html %}


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 1: The Spiritual Gifts

### Question What is the purpose of the spiritual gifts from God? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Spiritual gifts are given to individuals by the will of the Holy Spirit. + We are all members of one body, baptized by one Spirit into one body, and all made to drink into the one spirit. + Without love and not used to benefit others, gifts, no matter how great, are nothing. + What we know and what we prophesize are limited. Only when that which is perfect has come, then there will be no more limits. + It is a spiritual gift to be able to speak in tongues but it is of no benefit if the listener cannot understand. ### Meditation: My Story + **Community** - What is love? Am I loving my Christian brothers and sisters by God's standard? + **Fidelity** - Every member of the body has their unique gifts. What are my spiritual gifts? Am I willing to benefit the church with my gifts?


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 2: Evidence of Salvation

### Question Why is Jesus' death and resurrection so significant? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Paul reiterated the gospel to correct the false view of those who did not believe Jesus' resurrection. + The resurrection of Jesus demonstrates God's power. + Paul persecuted the church then became the smallest of the apostles. Through God's grace, he became an important vessel of God's purpose. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - How do I see death? Do I believe in resurrection? Why? + **Fidelity** - Paul reminded us to stand firm, let nothing move us. Always give us fully to the work of the Lord, because we know that our labor in the Lord is not in vain. Am I serving the Lord with such a strong mind and faith?


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 3: Assistance and Encouragement

### Question How should we assist each other? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Paul reminded the Corinthian church to collect donations to assist the church in Jerusalem. + Paul reminded the church of Corinth to not hold any bias against Timothy for they might look down upon him. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - Can I stand firm on the truth? Do I have a mature spiritual life or is it still in its infancy? + **Integrity** - Do I have the love to assist financially those brothers and sisters who are in need? + **Fidelity** - The household of Stephanas were devoted to the service of the Lord's people. Am I following their example?


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 4: Suffering and Misery

### Question How do the outer suffering from outside and the inner misery enrich those who have faith in God? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + God is the Father of compassion and God of all comfort. As we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ. With this suffering and comforting we may comfort those who are suffering. + We are not to grieve each other, but with a firm love, bring joy to each other in the Lord. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Christian life is not always smooth sailing. What is suffering in Christ when the distress comes? How do I submit to God's purpose and become comfort for others? + **Community** - Is the joy in the Lord for the other Christians the goal of my relationship with them? Do I prioritize my own defense when being wronged? When others have done wrong, do I prioritize the enforcement of righteousness on them over their repentance and acceptance of God's salvation? + **Integrity** - What should the source and basis of my plans be? What promises can I give to others? What should the basis of my promises be?


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 5: aroma of Christ

### Question How do we demonstrate Christ's glory and aroma as Christians under thew New Covenant? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Paul and his co-workers spoke of Christ before God with sincerity, as those sent from God. And God led them as captives in Christ's triumphal procession and used them to spread the aroma of the knowledge of Him everywhere. + Paul and his co-workers are ministers of a new covenant, of the Spirit, of the righteousness, and of the long-lasting glory. The Spirit of God causes us to be like Him with His glory upon glory. + We are to preach Christ as Lord God so that the light of His glory may shine in people's hearts. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Whether others believe or not what we preach, we'd have the aroma of Christ as long as we preach Christ with sincerity before God. What does "before God with sincerity as sent from God" mean? What does this remind and encourage me in my service and preaching? Do I boast for their conversion? Am I depressed for their resistance? + **Fidelity** - What is the difference between the glory of Moses and the glory of the ministry of the New Covenant? What is the result of the glory of the ministry of the New Covenant? What hope does it bring to me for knowing this everlasting and life transforming glory? How does this hope help me preach the truth with courage? What does "commend ourselves to everyone's conscience in the sight of God" mean?


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 6: Temporal and Eternal

### Question What should I keep in mind to have a God pleasing life? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + This is Paul's life: carry with him Jesus' death so that Jesus' life may be revealed; while his body is decaying but his heart is renewed each day; set his focus on the eternal glory instead of temporary troubles; gaining the heavenly building in place of destructible earthly tent. + Disciples of Christ must commit to live for the Lord, to please God, and give glory to Him. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - The one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God, who has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. This verse assures us while on earth, we may taste the joy of God's grace when we are surrounded by the temporary troubles so that we may be strengthened in faith and have hope for the eternal glory. The commitment of our hearts and the works of the Holy Spirit are inseparable. Do I have such experience? Is the Holy Spirit working or has worked in me to help me set my sight on the eternal home? + **Integrity** - For we live by faith, not by sight. This verse clearly tells us to view lightly the troubles we see on earth but set sight on the eternal glory. What problems am I seeing? How are these problems troubling me and causing me to lose focus on the eternity?


Notes and Responses

Week 42 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

{% include BibleLinks2022.html %}


Notes and Responses