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Weekly Guide:Week 34

September 16, 2018

Week 34 Day 1: Flourishing of Gospel


We continue the reading of the Book of Acts this week.

The advancement of gospel in the early church despite formidable conditions as recorded in the Book of Acts embarrass us even as we adore all the comforts of life. Suffering is an inescapable part of every believers’ lives as evident in the encounters of the apostles. However, we live in an age of Suffering Avoidance where people even made an art out of avoiding suffering. Many sparing no cost to prioritize suffering avoidance over the way of cross by disobedience. But Bible teaches us that blessings come out of suffering for Jesus. Jesus told the disciples that the world would hate them because they hated Him first. Therefore, to understand the meaning of salvation, it is necessary to understand the suffering of the Christians.

We rejoice as we are being tested. Because peace is not waiting for the cloud to disperse in a storm, but to learn to celebrate in a tempest.

May God’s word renew you all each day!


How did the church reach unity on the question of gospel to the Gentiles?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 2: Commencing on Mission


How was Barnabas and Paul’s first missionary trip like?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 3: Saved through Grace


What decisions did the council in Jerusalem make?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 4: Spread to Europe


How did the Holy Spirit lead the apostles to bring gospel to Europe?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 5: I Have Many


What was the effect of gospel in the morally deficient cities such as Corinth and Ephesus?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 6: Race for Gospel


How did Paul say goodbye to the elders of the Ephesian church?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

Scripture Reading


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 1: Crossing Jordan River

### Question How did the Israelites cross the Jordan River to go into the land of Canaan? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + God stopped the flow of Jordan River. Joshua lead the Israelites to cross the Jordan River like Moses lead their fathers to cross the Red Sea. + Israelites circumcised and celebrated Passover to identify themselves as God's people. + God stopped providing manna to mark the end of Israelites' wandering in the desert. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - Jordan River stopped flowing to allow the Israelites to cross as soon as the ark of the covenant, which represented the presence of God, was in the Jordan River. God is with us to protect us when we walk on His path and obey His commands. Pray to God and ask for His presence in my family, workplace, school, and church to help and lead me. + **Identity** - Israelites circumcised and celebrated Passover to identify themselves as God's people. All Christians today have God's seal to identify them as God's people. Am I being mindful of my identity and the presence of the Holy Spirit to always walk in lock steps with God?


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 2: Fall of Jericho

### Question How did God help Israelites to capture the first city, Jericho? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + The commander of the Lord's army came to Joshua indicated that God himself would fight for Israel. + Israelite army marched around Jericho for seven days as God commanded. God gave the city to them. + Contrast the sparing of Rahab and her family for their faith to Achan of the Judah tribe who lost everything because of greed. ### Meditation: My Story + **Integrity** - Achan's greed angered God and brought trouble to Israelites. Have I been greedy and covet things that don't belong to me? Have I been hiding things that belong to the Lord? Pray and ask God to purify my heart to take greed away from me. + **Fidelity** - Joshua led the Israelites to strictly follow God's command and God put Jericho into their hands. Do I follow God's command faithfully or take short cuts often?


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Week 34 Day 3: Battle of Ai

### Question How did God give Ai to Israelites through Joshua's wisdom? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + God helped Joshua to capture and destroy Ai through a wise military strategy. + The fall of both Jericho and Ai were God's deeds. One was through His wonderous miracle, the other was through the mind of a man. It helps us to see from these two battles how God accomplishes through different means. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - God forgave the Israelites and led them to victory after Achan confessed. With our confessions, God gives us the peace which transcends all understanding through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Am I still struggling with my past sins? Let me look up to the Cross of Christ and turn my guilt into gratitude for His salvation and the will to live out the new life He gave me. + **Fidelity** - God helped the Israelites to capture Ai through Joshua's strategy. Am I willing to let God use my God given talent, resource, and energy to serve Him for His purpose?


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 4: Battle in South

### Question What was effect of the victories in Jericho and Ai had with the people in the south? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Joshua and the leaders of Israelites did not consult with the Lord and was deceived by the Gibeonites (Hivites, see 9:7, 11:19) to make peace treaty with them in violation of God's command (Deu. 7:2). + The five kings of the Amorites joined forces to attack Gibeon but was defeated by Joshua and his army. Israelites conquered the southern cities. ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - The Gibeonites deceived the Israelites and made peace treaty with them because Joshua did not consult with God. Satan tries to deceive us, too. So, we must always ask God to know His will. Do I have anything I need to ask God today so that I don't get deceived by Satan? + **Integrity** - Joshua made the Gibeonites to live among the Israelites after being deceived by them. We too must learn to deal with our mistakes, not overlook them nor overcome by them. Let me examine myself humbly for what I have done wrong and ask God to remind myself of my weaknesses.


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 5: Battle in North

### Question How did the Israelites conquer the cities in the north? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + After defeating the kings in the south, the Israelites turned to north and conquered the northern kings. + Chapter 12 summarizes the kings defeated by Joshua: two kings to the east of Jordan River and thirty-one kings to the west of Jordan River. ### Meditation: My Story + **Integrity** - Forty years ago Israelites feared the Anakites. Forty years later, Joshua and the Israelites relied on God to defeat these giants. Are there giants in my life that seem insurmountable? How may I lean on the Lord to defeat them? + **Fidelity** - We see God throughout the Book of Joshua. Likewise, today, God is battling in our stead. He can win and has won. Am I keeping a tight grip of the struggles in my job and services as my own or letting God to take control?


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 6: East of Jordan

### Question How God had Joshua divide the lands to the tribes of Israel? {% include BibleLinks2020.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Chapters 13 to 21 document how the land of Canaan was divided among the Israelites. The realization of God's promises to Abraham and his descendants. + God had Joshua divide the lands that are yet to be conquered (eventually conquered by David, 2 Samuel 5, 8). + The lands to the east of Jordan River were divided up to the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh, according to Moses' command. ### Meditation: My Story + **Identity** - The Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh stayed in the east of the Jordan River, did not go into the promised land. Do I label myself a Christian but fall for the worldly desires and temptations instead of the land God had promised me? Pray and ask God for mercy and help. + **Fidelity** - Some of the lands God had Joshua distribute to the Israelites were yet to be conquered. From God's point of view, His promises will be accomplished. Yet, we often don't follow through with His commands because of our weaknesses. God does not tolerate our compromises. God never changes. He knows our needs and stands ready to help us. In the journey of my missional life, what help do I need from God today? Pray and ask God to lead me.


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

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Week 34 Day 1: Repay for Vow

### Question What did Jephthah of lowly birth do when the Ammonites attacked? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Eighteen years after they turned away from God and were repressed by the Philistines and Ammonites, the Israelites repented and gotten rid of foreign gods. The Israelites needed someone to lead them when the Ammonites attacked. + Jephthah the mighty warrior was driven out of the family because of his lowly birth. The elders asked him to come back to lead them in their fight against the Ammonites. + Jephthah told Ammonites the three hundred years of history that God had given Israelites the land and that God will judge the dispute. King of Ammon paid no attention. + Jephthah vowed to God that whoever came out to meet him first when he returned in triumph would be devoted to the Lord. Unexpectedly, his daughter, the only child came out first. However difficult, Jephthah kept his vow. + The Ephraimites were going to burn down Jephthah's house because they weren't called to fight the Ammonites. Jephthah called together the men of Gilead to fight Ephraimites. Forty two thousand Ephraimites were killed. + Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon became judges after Jephthah. ### Meditation: My Story + **Community** - Despite of his lowly birth, God had an important mission for Jephthah. Are there people around me whom I look down upon? Let me respect them to give them the opportunity to see how God values them.


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 2: Bold and Unbridled

### Question What did Samson do with his great strength given by God? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Israelites were in the hands of Philistines for forty years for they again did evil acts. + God commanded the once infertile parents of Samson to dedicate him to God for life as Nazirite. + The Spirit of the Lord came to Samson and gave him great strength that he teared the lion into pieces. Samson acted absurdly ignoring the law and his status as Nazirite. + Samson ignored the law and married a Philistine woman. + Samson planned to take advantage of his companions with a riddle but leaked the answer to his wife. He had to give away his wife and give them cloths from thirty Philistines he then killed. ### Meditation: My Story + **Integrity** - Samson could have done great things for God with the great power God had given him. But he chose to follow his own will. Although he powered over the Philistines and displayed much personal glory, he paled in comparison to Gideon. Let me learn from Samson's example to put God's will first, obey His commands, and live to glorify God.


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 3: To Perish Together

### Question What situation was Samson in when he killed the most enemies? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Samson left his father-in-law's in anger. When he came back, his wife was already given away. Samson avenged against the Philistines and caused the death of his wife and father-in-law. + The people of Judah gave Samson up to the Philistines under pressure. God's spirit came upon Samson and he killed a thousand Philistine with a donkey's jawbone. God opened up a spring to save Samson from thirst. + With lies and God given strength, Samson was able to escape from Philistines' attacks number of times. His lust for women caused him to give away his secret and cost him strength. Philistine captured Samson and gouged out his eyes. After regaining his strength, Samson pulled down the temple's pillars. Samson perished together with all Philistines under the temple roof. Samson killed many more when he died then when he lived. He led Israel for twenty years. ### Meditation: My Story + **Integrity** - God had given Samson great strength but he relied on himself. He prayed to the Lord only twice in duress and ultimately could not realize his God given talent. Am I often blinded by my talent or advantage and unable to see my weakness? Let me come in front of God to pray and ask Him to help me see myself.


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 4: A Private Shrine

### Question Where did the Levite from Bethlehem become a priest? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Israel had no King. Everyone did as they see fit. (17:6) + Micah made an ephod, built a shrine, and installed his own son as priest. + The young Levite from Bethlehem stayed at Micah's and became his priest. + The tribe of Danite was seeking land of their own instead inheriting from what Moses and Joshua had drawn out for them when they took the idols and ephod they saw at Micah's shrine and lured the young priest as their own. + The Danites attacked savagely and burned the peaceful people at Laish, took their land, changed its name to Dan, and installed Jonathan, a descendant of Moses, and his sons as their priests. ### Meditation: My Story + **Integrity** - Although Micah and his mother claimed to worship God, they did it in their own way and turned it unknowingly into idol worshiping. Let me examine myself: do I worship God with all my heart, all my soul, and all my mind? Or, do I worship in my own convenience, at a place, time, and in ways that I see fit? + **Fidelity** - That young Levite did not serve at a place God had predetermined for him. Instead, following his own desires and never once consulted with God, became a priest for Micah then for the Danites. Do I humbly offer myself to God and obey His command when I serve or do I serve to satisfy my own desires and for my own benefit?


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 5: Wicked and Immoral

### Question How far would the Israelites fall, being away from God? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + An Ephraim old man took in a Levite who was on his way home with his concubine near Gibeah in Benjamin. + They met unexpectedly in this land of Benjamite by an evil act that had happened only in Sodom (Gen. 19), the city God had destroyed: some wicked men wanted to have sex with the Levite. The old man was willing to substitute his own daughter for the Levite but those wicked men refused. The Levite sent his concubine instead and she was raped overnight to death. + The Levite cut up the concubine's body into pieces and sent to all areas of Israel. All who saw it were shocked and wanted to do something about it. ### Meditation: My Story + **Integrity** - It took just two generations for God's chosen people, the tribe of Benjamite, to fall from the most God obeying people who defeated Jericho to the most immoral that was comparable only to those of the Sodom. To see such a drastic change in so short a time when there's no king and everyone did as they see fit may seem surprising and yet it's an eye-opening warning for us. We might believe we are good enough that we don't feel the need for God to discipline us. But without discipline from God, we can fall easily on the slippery paths of the world.


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 6: The Great Punishment

### Question What was the result of Benjamites' evil and wickedness? {% include BibleLinks2022.html %} ### Meditation: God's Story + Seen such unspeakable crime committed by the Benjamites, all Israelites gathered together wanting to punish those wicked Benjamites. The Benjamites refused to give up those wicked men and sent army instead. The Benjamites killed forty thousand Israelites. After consulting with God, Israelites scored complete victory over the Benjamites and left with them only six hundred alive. + Israelites realized that one of the tribes would be cut off. They began to regret and attempted to find wives for the remaining six hundred Benjamites. We can see how far the Israelites have fallen when the Book of Judges ends with "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit." ### Meditation: My Story + **Walking with God** - In the entire book, the Israelites inquired of the Lord in front of the ark of the covenant only once, when they were beaten by the Benjamites. Their rebellion and immorality came because they did not see God anymore. Let me not treat God, Christ Jesus, as an addition to my life, as my trophy. Rather, let me live my life centered around Him, "let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." (Hebrews 12:1b)


Notes and Responses

Week 34 Day 7: Mend the Loose Ends

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