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Weekly Guide:2024-2025 Week 62
March 09, 2025
Week 62 Day 1: End of Tyre ⇧ ⇩
What was the end of Tyre that used to be prosperous?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
Because Tyre boasted against Israel, the Lord was against it and would bring many nations against it.
From the north the Lord would bring against Tyre Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.
All the princes of the coast would be clothed with terror and appalled at Tyre.
The Lord had the prophet took up a lament concerning Tyre, prophesying it would turn from great trades and wealth to become broken and no more.
Meditation: My Story
- Integrity - Tyre, like many great cities and nations of past, no longer exists. Do I look at the great and wealthy cities of today more than God’s eternal kingdom?
Notes and Responses
Week 62 Day 2: King of Pride ⇧ ⇩
What was the result of Tyre king’s pride?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
The ruler of Tyre pride himself as a god. God would bring foreigner against it. They would draw their swords against its beauty and wisdom. They would bring it down to the pit and it would die in the heart of the seas.
The Lord commanded the prophet to take up a lament concerning Tyre, its heart became proud on account of its beauty, and the Lord would throw it to the earth.
The Lord commanded the prophet to prophesy against Sidon, the Lord was against Sidon, He would inflict punishment on it.
The Lord would gather the people of Israel from the nations where they have been scattered, He would be proved holy through them in the sight of the nations, then they will live in the land which the Lord gave to Jacob.
Meditation: My Story
- Identity - Tyre king thought of himself as god because of his pride. Is the wealth I have today from my own work or given by God? Am I thankful for God’s provision? What does the fate of Tyre king remind me of?
Notes and Responses
Week 62 Day 3: Judgment against Egypt ⇧ ⇩
What was the fate of Egypt?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
The Lord commanded Ezekiel to prophesy against the Pharaoh king of Egypt and all Egypt, the Lord would bring sword against them, Egypt would become a desolate wasteland.
At the end of forty years the Lord would gather the Egyptians from the nations where they were scattered. He would bring them back from captivity and return them to Upper Egypt, the land of their ancestry. There they would be a lowly kingdom.
The Lord would give the land of Egypt to the army of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon as their reward.
The Lord would make a horn grow for the Israelites, and He would open Ezekiel’s mouth among them. Then they will know that I am the Lord.
The Lord commanded Ezekiel to prophesy that a sword would come against Egypt, the allies of Egypt would fall, the Lord would put an end to the hordes of Egypt by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, He would destroy the idols and put an end to the images in Memphis, no longer will there be a prince in Egypt.
- The Lord would break the arms of Pharaoh and strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon.
Meditation: My Story
- Identity - Pharaoh said, the Nile belongs to me; I mad it for myself. Therefore, God judged Egypt. What am I leaning on in my life’s journey? How do I look at my own success? What does today’s passage remind me of?
Notes and Responses
Week 62 Day 4: Lament and Wail ⇧ ⇩
Why did the prophet wail for the people of Egypt?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
Said to the Pharaoh the beauty of Assyria was given into the hand of the nations by God for it was proud of its height.
Prophesy against Pharaoh that he would go with Assyria down in the earth below among the killed.
Take up a lament concerning Pharaoh king of Egypt, the sword of the king of Babylon would come against him, the pride of Egypt would shatter, and all hordes overthrown.
Wail for the daughters of Egypt.
Meditation: My Story
- Integrity - Why was the tall cedar judged and cut down? What does it remind me of?
Notes and Responses
Week 62 Day 5: Prophet as Watchman ⇧ ⇩
What was Ezekiel’s responsibility as the watchman?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
When the watchman sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people, then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not heed the warning and the sword comes and takes their life, their blood will be on their own head.
The Lord made Ezekiel a watchman.
The Lord takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live.
If someone who is righteous disobeys, that person’s former righteousness will count for nothing. And if someone who is wicked repents, that person’s former wickedness will not bring condemnation.
In the twelfth year of Israel’s exile, in the tenth month on the fifth day, a man who had escaped from Jerusalem came to Ezekiel and said, “The city has fallen!” Ezekiel’s mouth was opened in the morning and no longer silent.
Those who listen but do not put into practice of what the prophet says, will be punished.
Meditation: My Story
- Community - Fellow Christians watch over each other like Ezekiel watched over Israel. What should I do if I know someone who offended God? How may limbs of Christ be blessed by watching over each other? How may I watch over the world?
Notes and Responses
Week 62 Day 6: Tending the Flock ⇧ ⇮
What wrong did the shepherds of Israel do?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
The Lord commanded the prophet to prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; to those shepherds of Israel who only take care of themselves!
The Lord said, I am against the shepherds and I will remove them from tending the flock.
The Lord said, I myself will search for my sheep and look after them.
The Lord said, I will place over them one shepherd and he will tend them. I the Lord will be their God.
The Lord said, I will make a covenant of peace with them and rid the land of savage beasts so that they may live in the wilderness and sleep in the forests in safety.
Meditation: My Story
- Integrity - Are the strong and weak in faith helping each other in Church? How may I help those churches that are weak?