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Week 98 Day 1: On the Cross
We continue to read the gospel of John this week. Everyone needs to know the reason for our existence. Some spend their entire lifetime trying desperately to find the answer. Some try to find it in their relationships, social status. Some do it through the success of their hard works. But, more than often, people get lost in their life and lose hope. Their meaningless endeavor only cause them to give up. Jesus said His life is for the cross, our life is for the glory of the Father, and God’s answer is that His already has the glory and would be even more glorious. We would find the importance of our life when we glorify God because His glory is so precious, and that the inheritance for all believers worth so much more than anything else. The heavenly king would protect and lead, so that we can hear clearly His calling and be adopted. And, when we are filled with His glory, both in heart and in flesh, His peace and joy would surround us and dwell in us.
May you all be renewed in His word each day!
Why did the Jews put Jesus on the cross?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on His head and slapped Him in the face.
The Jews shouted, “Take him away! Take him away! Crucify him!!”
Jesus carried His own cross, went out to the place of the Skull. There they crucified Him.
Jesus entrusted His mother to the disciple He loved.
Not one of His bones will be broken.
Jesus’ disciple Joseph took His body away and laid it in a new tomb.
Meditation: My Story
- Identity - Pilate wanted to release Jesus but crucified Him instead because the pressure from the Jews. We often face difficult decisions. What is my principle in making decisions? How are my decisions pleasing to God?
Notes and Responses
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