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Week 85 Day 1: Four Dreadful Judgments

September 02, 2019


We continue to read the Book of Ezekiel this week. Ezekiel faced numerous false prophets. Although God had repeatedly warned them, the false prophets told lies based on their own foolish hearts. They saw no vision or message from God but claimed what they said were from God. They were like scavenging foxes on the barren land, saw only themselves and no one else. They did not attempt to stand in the gaps nor did they attempt to rebuild the wall of the house of Israel. They robbed the weak and the ignorant. They promised calmness and proclaimed peace when God was destroying the temple. They were painting a thin wall made of straws to make it look good and strong, but it stood no chance with the test of a storm.

The true prophet prophesy what the people need. The false prophet prophesy what the people want. To be called by God to pronounce His words is a serious undertaking that treads on the narrow path. The one who tells the truth is not welcomed but rejected and even persecuted. However, popularity does not a truth proved. Despite all that, the true prophet calls the people to return to God, declares the truth, builds a solid foundation as his only purpose of life.

May you all be renewed in God’s word every day!


What four dreadful judgments was the Lord going to send?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

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