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Week 77 Day 1: The Blessed Remnant

July 08, 2019


We will complete reading the Book of Isaiah soon and continue to read a book of another prophet: The Book of Jerimiah.

The rebellion, judgment, return and redemption in the prophet’s books are still meaningful to today’s believers. God has eternal love for all and is full of grace through His peaceful covenant. He only temporarily turned away from the Israelites but protected His people with great grace. God is not a straight faced judge endlessly counting our sins. God is the creator and our heavenly father with love. Just as the rain always fall to enriches the earth, His promise will always come to us as undeserved gift of grace so that we don’t have to bear all that well-deserved suffering. However, if we don’t accept His grace and would rather fall under our sins, then we would be all alone and hopeless like the hopeless effort of irrigating the desert with a spoon.

May you all be renewed in His word each day!


How will the remnant of Israel be blessed?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

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