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Week 67 Day 1: Judah king Ahaz

April 29, 2019


We continue this week’s reading of the Second Chronicles. Each Juda kings had a distinct personality, and yet there were many surprising similarities in their lives. For example, king Amaziah, whom we read last week, refused to follow the advice of prophet which started from the success of his battle with the Edomite, while king Uzziah was angry with the priest because of the strength God had given him. The arrogance of success blinds the eyes of man, the process of destruction starts at the height of man’s life. How can one be willing to listen and accept the spiritual admonition to usher in another victory after victory? Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the path of God is paved for the humbles. May you all be renewed each day in the word of God!


What similarities and differences are there between king Jotham and Ahaz?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story


Notes and Responses

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