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Week 26 Day 1: Great and Small

July 16, 2018


We continue the reading on the Gospel of Matthew this week.

Jesus’ preaching recorded in Matthew gives us a vivid depiction of the life of Jesus’ disciples. We might see the sky-high standard as a heavy burden that we must carry in order to be with God, which causes us to become ever more self-demanding and feel frustrated in such a way that often pushes us to the verge of giving up. However, Jesus invites us to carry with Him His yoke because tiredness and exhaustion are not characteristics of Jesus’ disciples as His yoke is easy and His burden is light so that we may receive the utmost rest and peace as we learn to be more like Him. Restfulness as a promise of being disciple of Jesus seems to go against our instinct to put ahead of our personal comfort the righteousness, kingdom, and persecution. Jesus’ yoke is a prerequisite of restfulness and peace as His teaching is about changing our thoughts as opposed to escaping the reality in worldly pleasure which ultimately ends in emptiness. What Jesus has for us is not an escape but a transformation. It is a transformation of life from inside out as we become His disciples. It enables us to bear His lightened yoke so we may have real peace even when facing the toughest challenges of life. There’s no other way of life will give us true rest, true peace, to do away with self-criticism, self-indulgence, self-approval, and self-desire. Give up our selfishness, money, and desires to go back to God. Let us accept the peace Jesus has in store for us disciples.

May our Lord’s word renew you all each day!


What did Jesus encounter on the way to Jerusalem?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

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