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Week 23 Day 1: A Private Shrine

June 25, 2018


This week we will finish reading the Book of Judges and start the Book of Ruth.

Besides the Israelites’ rebellions, we saw God rescued them repeatedly from their evilness. Dear Lord, please save me from the hands of the evil one, protect me from those who force me to stumble. Those who are full of prides trick me into snare and noose. Sometimes, the world appears lawless, controlled by the wicked, and prayers never answered. It appears to be ruled by those who are unjust, immoral, and Godless like Abimelek. This phenomenon is not unique to the Israel of yesteryears or countries controlled by dictators but the reality of a fallen world. When people follow only their personal desires, the society no longer sees God. But God’s sovereignty cannot be negated by man’s wickedness. The Lord is still above all turbulences. Although God allows things to happen but He determines the end result. When righteousness is revealed, the evil will not escape punishment.

May you all be renewed each day in God’s word.


Where did the Levite from Bethlehem become priest?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

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