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Week 22 Day 1: Few against Many

June 18, 2018


We continue the reading on the Book of Judges this week.

In Judges, we see that the Israelites’ evil behaviors seemed to get passed on from generations to generations and the judges’ rescues continued to repeat. Why didn’t the Israelites change and repent despite all these judges? The root cause of sin comes from selfish desires that replace God in our heart. Satisfying our desires without repentance only covers up the sin in our hearts. Mankind’s self-reliance and Godlessness made us the center of the world.

Self-expression, self-development, and self-realization are ubiquitous in the society now-a-days. In popular culture from news publications to school education, our value seems to be defined as self-discovery. The social norm emphasizes self-elevation above everything and encourages us to satisfy our personal desires through any means. This self-idolizing through self-envying and self-pitying can only lead us into a vicious cycle of self-worshiping and causing us not to see nor speak the truth as anyone who manufactures idol. It is, however, more meaningful to glorify God and His truth than to realize ourselves. Realization of truth is a life centered around God. To escape from the vicious cycle of generational evil behavior requires turning focus away from ourselves to God.

May God’s word renew you all each day!


How did the fifth judge battle the huge army of Midianites and won with only three hundred men?

Scripture Reading

Meditation: God’s Story

Meditation: My Story


Notes and Responses

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