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Week 21 Day 1: Tribe of Levi
How did the Levites get their allotment?
Scripture Reading
Meditation: God’s Story
- God established six cities of refuge. Three on the east side of Jordan River and three on the west. These are evenly distributed in the promised land to ensure that anyone who killed unintentionally could get to one of them within a half day. This was by the command God had given to Moses. (Deu. 19:1-13; Num. 35:9-34)
- The Levites were spread out among the entire promised land and were allotted towns from the tribes. They were to live among the tribes to bring about God centered life to them.
- When all promised lands were allotted and given to the Israelites, not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled. (Joshua 21:45)
Meditation: My Story
- Walking with God - The cities of refuge were not for the Israelites alone but for those gentiles living among them, as well. God treated everyone equally. God established the cities of refuge because He values our lives. We should value our own lives, too, because we were made with God’s image. How do I view my spouse, family members, colleagues, and co-workers?
- Identity -The Levites lived among the Israelites like the Simeonites. But their missions and identities were vastly different. God’s election changes our identity and value. How has God changed me?
- Integrity - Caleb painstakingly conquered Hebron but gave up to the Levites as a city of refuge and left himself the fields and villages around the city. What do Caleb’s character and integrity remind me of?
- Walking with God - God’ promises never fall short! How does this fact encourage me in my struggles?
Notes and Responses
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